Monday, May 18, 2020

How Does Time Management Work - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 671 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/05/29 Category Management Essay Level High school Tags: Time Management Essay Did you like this example? 1. Compare the results of your personal time allocation to your ideal time allocation. Are you close to your ideal allocation? If not, what factors are affecting your use of time? It was not much different. Once I added the numbers up it came down to 169 hours. I went back and reviewed the times and I realized that I had more time down to â€Å"eating (including preparing food), etc.) than I actually use. I have set working on my classes as my top priority and I’ve been dedicating all the free hours that I have. One thing I’ve noticed is that the time I wrote down for attending class and studying is really an estimate. I’m not exactly sure on how much time I’m spending because I don’t keep track, I’ve just been using all my free time to study and focusing on finish all the assignments as soon as possible. But I know it’s a considerable amount of time. I’ve decided I’m going to start a log starting next week’s term so I can have an exact idea of how I’m using my time. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How Does Time Management Work?" essay for you Create order 2. Based on what you’ve read this week, what strategies can you use to more effectively manage your time? Be sure to identify at least three time management strategies, and describe how you will apply them. 1. Time management: According to the textbook â€Å"To succeed in college, virtually everyone has to develop effective strategies for dealing with time. Something, somewhere has to give. That’s part of time management—and why it’s important to keep your goals and priorities in mind. The other part is to learn how to use the hours you do have as effectively as possible, especially the study hours.† (College Success†, 2015). After reading the chapter of the textbook I started researching about ways I could use to manage my time better, stay focused and increase productivity studying. I came accross this Pomodoro techinique and I found it really interesting. I decided I’m going to give it a try. â€Å"The Pomodoro Technique is a time management system that encourages people to work with the time they have—rather than against it.† (â€Å"Boogaard, Kat†, n.d.). I’ve been keeping my goals and priorities in mind and ensuri ng I use my hours as effectively as possible. I’ve planned my time in a way that I don’t feel overwhelmed and it’s been working so far. 2. Not procrastinate: Since I started my first term with UoPeople I had one very important thing in mind. I would not procrastinate. And I have been succesful on doing that. One thing that I’m worried about every time I start a new week is: making sure I read all the material and work on the assignments as soon as possible. I keep in mind that if I do that I will have spare time in case something comes up, or I can reward myself with the extra free time once everything is done. 3. Decide where I will not spend time: Before returning to school I would use my days off to spend time with my girlfriend and do other things for myself like playing video game, going to the shooting range and watching my favorite shows on Netflix. The workload is more than I thought it would be and it made me think of the orientation. They warn you, and it was true. And because of that I’ve decided where I wont be spending my time. Since the beggining of the term I haven’t been to the shooting range and I’ve also reduced my time playing video games, drastically. I used to go to the shooting range once a week. I also had to reduce the time spent watching Netflix. I used binge watch my favorite shows and now I haven’t been able to do that anymore. I recently started watching Narcos – Mexico and haven’t even gotten to episode 4 yet.

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