Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The impact of advertising in our daily life Essay

The impact of advertising in our daily life - Essay Example This essay "The impact of advertising in our daily life" outlines the importance, functions, and advantages of the print advertisement over the ad on the Internet. The print ad of Coca-Cola Company published in 1969 presents the image of the chilled Coca-Cola bottle and a glass filled with coke and ice placed with some fruits and other food stuff. The body copy of the ad written at the top left side of the image conveys the message that coke goes with everything that people eat because it is a real thing that gives them a real taste and real satisfaction. The same message is also written at the bottom of the image that Coke is the real thing. This advertisement has been created with attractive visuals and balanced combination of text and images. This print ad is based upon explicit claim because it directly makes the claim that coke is a real thing just like all the other things people use to have in their lives. The ad places coke with the natural things to make audience believe that coke is not an artificial thing and they could be sure about its real taste and satisfaction. The explicit claim made in the ad is an example of fallacy because it tries to position a carbonated drink like the natural things that is not true. Coke unlike the natural edibles has several health effects and could not be regarded as a real or natural thing like apples, grapes and oranges etc. The ad effectively communicates this idea by making claim about coke as a real thing. There is another print ad published in 2008 by McDonald that promotes McDonald’s Drive. ... The ad conveys implicit meanings because it gives the message indirectly that people can enjoy McDonald’s product alongside all their routine activities by visiting Drive-Thru. The ad claims that in the multitasking world McDonald does not interrupts the activities of the people but it gives people benefit that that they can continue with their activities and can still enjoy McDonalds. The ad makes the implicit claim by showing a real newspaper article coming out along with the fries. The claim could not be regarded as fallacy but it is an intelligently created ad that very well demonstrates the brand benefit and convince people come at McDonald’s drive through even if they have no time to sit and eat the meal at the restaurant. The ads informs about the option of eating out while the other tasks would also be carried out and so separate time would be required to go for meal. There is another very interesting print ad with funny appeal created for EPhone 900 that shows a snake ready to bike a person and the person is searching Google to know how to dodge a snake bite. The ad makes the explicit claim about the fast internet access at any place and time when the user need and for making this claim more interesting and real they have shown a real life problem that any person might face anytime. However, the ad has a fallacy because the tough situation shown in the ad could not really be handled in a way shown in the ad. The ad basically aims to make audience imagine that the EPhone 900 allows them such fast access to internet anywhere and anytime that they can reply upon the EPhone for the solution of their problems. The problem shown in the ad is very serious needs urgent solution. Likewise, the ad claims that the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Dear Board of Directors Essay Example for Free

Dear Board of Directors Essay Upon implementing a Broad Differentiation strategy, Andrews Company desired to have highly demanded products in each of the market segments, hold the majority market share compared to our competitors and increase the value of our firm by the year 2021. We believed that this strategy could get us to that point and we have successfully done so. The start up of Andrews Company proved to be more difficult than anticipated due to high costs in marketing and RD, investing in automation of sensors and due to our decision to take out most of our loans in the early stages of our product, leading to negative profits for the first two years. However, Broad Differentiation lucratively brought Andrews market share up to 30.93% outweighing the competition (Exhibit 1). Andrews Company will continue to implement this strategy with the goal to hold high demand, continue cutting costs with total quality management initiatives and by reevaluating our capacity and production issues, which will be discussed throughout the course of our analysis. Research and Development Proper allocation of funds towards research and development proved to be of high importance, allowing customers to have access to better-quality products. Andrews Company effectively adjusted each product to their proper ideal spot on the perceptual map by using the segment centers and ideal spot offsets annually. This allowed Andrews to gain optimal market demand, leading to us being able to charge a higher price than competitors later on, thus obtain higher profit among other initiatives. Our high demand was essential in offsetting the costs associated with investing in marketing and promotional budgets, buy/sell capacity and automation of products. Marketing By investing insistently in promo and sales in all the market segments, we were able to increase accessibility and market demand. It was Andrews’s goal to have our products be in the minds of customers of all types and charge a premium for our excellent designs. Another advantage Andrews had over our competitors was that we forecasted at our potential market share, rather than our actual, based on the presumption our customers will be loyal to our brand and we would continue to invest in marketing expenditures. Once we feel comfortable that we hold enough market share, we can then start to cut costs in this department. Finances Monitoring spending and Andrews finances was perhaps the most vital part of our success. In the earlier years of our company we took out large quantities of long-term debt to help finance investment in automation and lowering the cost of producing sensors. Each year Andrews experienced a steep increase in sales, while variable costs gradually increased (Exhibit 2). The extra debt we took out early on we believe to have assisted with the dramatic increase in profits each year (Exhibit 3). One thing Andrews could have done to also assist with the increase in profits was to issue stock, which would have helped raise more capital to invest in capacity capabilities. However, we felt that issuing stock would have diluted the price. We successfully raised our stock price to $281.95 by the end of 2021 (Exhibit 4). A 723% increase from the start of 2014. Production A barrier for further success of Andrews Company was production versus capacity. While production was upwards of 18,000+, capacity only resulted in roughly 11,000. Each year we gradually invested more and more in automation and capacity due to our rising profits, which allowed us to improve our margins (Exhibit 5). We should have properly invested in capacity in the earlier rounds to help bridge the gap between capacity and production. However, Andrews’s strategy was to focus on correctly adjusting our products on the perceptual map to their ideal spots and we planned to never invest so much so that this could not happen. TQM and Human Resources In 2017, Andrews met labor demands and we paid our employees a higher rate than competitors. This tactic was able to put some of the other employees in competitive firms to go on strike for several days, resulting in a higher market share and a better reputation among customers and potential employees. Andrews also spent money each year on training employees for a maximum of 80 hour and recruiting spend of about $4.5 million each year, increasing our productivity index to 129.9% by the end of 2021. At the beginning of 2016, Andrews made an executive decision to invest in total quality management. Of a budget of $4 million, we allotted $1.5 million in 2016 and 2017, then another $600 thousand in 2018. After this amount was spent, we would have seen diminishing returns and opted to cap out at $3.6 million. The substantial investment allowed us to reduce labor and material costs, while increasing demand, thus allowing us to steadily increase profits each year, especially during this three-year span when competitors did not spend enough in TQM. The Future of Andrews Andrews Company will continue to use its method of broad differentiation in the upcoming years and plans to issue stock in order to help with investing in capacity issues that we’ve had in the past. We will continue to spend on marketing, research and development and compensating our employees adequately in order to keep our high market share. Distinguishing our products will continue to be of the utmost importance, offering clientele a superior design. Appendix

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Drive-by Shootings at Henry David Thoreaus Walden Pond :: Thoreau Walden Pond Essays

In Walden, Henry David Thoreau said, "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, then I came to die, discover that I had not live." Perhaps the last part of that statement is the most difficult aspect of our lives. A plethora of philosophers and everyday people alike have maintained that you should live your life as if it were your last day. Few, however, have been able to adopt that philosophy. In the '90's the future has become a key player in our lives. Education has been geared towards planning out our future and has almost forgotten that right now, we are here. In eighth grade, we were encouraged to plan out our high school classes. Our sophomore year weaved in a career unit, and this year we look at colleges. Some teachers teach a certain way only because they want to prepare us for college, not because they think that their way is the best. Why do we do all of this for a future that might not come? In a decade where drive-by shootings, drug overdoses, and alcohol-related accidents have become the norm, the way we look at the future may come as somewhat of a surprise to the objective observer. The future is presented in a way that assumes we will have a future, when, in fact, some of us may not have all that long to live in the present. We spend so much time planning for tomorrow, or even five or six years from tomorrow, that many of us forget that we are living today and that we should live out today. If a person tries to live out tomorrow right now and that person is on his death bed a few minutes later, then that one person may find that he has squandered his life preparing for the future. Aside from over planning, many of us do not think about enjoying the life we have. For example, for years many of us have had ample food to eat, yet we still rush through a meal as if a wild animal was going to snatch it away from us. We haven't taken the time to enjoy our meals and the usual conversation that accompanies them.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Japanese School Systems vs. American Essays -- essays research papers

Japanese School Systems vs. American   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For years, people have always felt that the Japanese school system was superior or more effective than that of the United States. Although some feel this way, others feel that the Japanese system is too strict and not flexible enough for those who may need extra help along the way. Through researching two different case studies, and also reading other materials, I have found many similarities along with many differences between the two, including teaching methods, overall emphases, and student involvement. Both countries have developed very effective and intricate systems of teaching, which compliment, and clash against one another. The Japanese system is not in all ways superior to that of the United States; however, there are a few different reasons why people may feel that the Japanese are in fact â€Å"smarter† than us. To begin with though, one must have an understanding of both systems and a basic knowledge of how they work.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States federal government virtually has no control over our education system. As result, neither a national curriculum, nor a national education system, has ever been enforced. Instead, according to (Hume. â€Å"International students†¦) each state has its own Department of Education. This department sets guidelines for all Stephens2 the schools in that particular state, decides from where the school’s will get their money, regulates the licensing of teachers, and also decides on a minimum required amount of days that children need to be in school. Each school district also has a school board, who helps with all the major decisions within the school district. The members of these boards are elected in, and usually serve for a few years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most of American school’s funding comes from local property taxes, and state taxes. Due to this set up, many people complain that equal educational opportunities are not introduced to all children. They argue that the level of education a child will receive is directly reflective of the type of economic area they come from. For example, a child that comes from a rural, less wealthy part of the state will not receive the same opportunities, or the same value of education as a child who grows up in a rich suburban town. These people feel that all children should be given ... ...nts to feel more comfortable discussing academics and make friends in a way more geared to school than American children. In short, although the U.S. education system is superior to most, there are many things that if taken from the Japanese and incorporated into our system, would help our students to become more enthusiastic about school; thus making the education experience more positive and more productive. Works Cited United States Department of Education. The Educational System in the United States: A Case Study. By the U.S.D.E. in 1998. 28 November. 2002 United States Department of Education. The Educational System in Japan: A Case Study. By the U.S.D.E. June 1998. 28 November. 2002 The National Institute on Student Achievement, Curriculum, and Assessment. The Japanese Education System: A Case Study and Analysis. By the N.I.S.A.C.A. January 1999. 28 November. 2002 Hume, Susan E. â€Å"International students who come to the United States†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Indiana Schools Project. Indiana University. 28 November. 2002

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

911 Narrative Essay

The Power of Words September 15th, 2001. â€Å"That moment was when I learned the importance of words. Whether you may be angry, sad, or happy, you must use your words wisely. Love everyone, and tell them so every day†(George Phoenix. ) ______________________________________________________________________________ Morning of September 11th, 2001. Phoenix went to the cafeteria to get his usual coffee, milk and Danish. Returning from the cafe with his food, he entered into an elevator heading to his office on the 67th floor. The tight space was uncomfortably cold and silent, with extremely strange yet catchy elevator music playing.Prior to work he had gotten into an argument with his wife and as he slowly sipped his coffee savoring every ounce of it, he was contemplating the words he would say to her when he returned home. Five other men crowded into the elevator: Four were everyday workers in the twin towers, and the other was the monthly window washer. The smell of cleaning pr oducts and expensive cologne began to take over the air. You could see it on every face waiting for their stop that it was about to be a long day. The drawn out elevator ride was almost over. Only eighteen more floors to go and it would be time for him to sit down and rest his body.Suddenly, as the elevator hit the 50th floor, there was a large â€Å"boom† and the elevator began to bang violently from side to side. One of the men reached over and pressed the emergency button. As they all sat frustrated and worried waiting for a response, they became incredibly antsy. After what seemed like an agonizing amount of time, the operator informed them frantically that the building was under attack, and the loud â€Å"boom† they heard was a plane crashing into the building. The mood of the elevator drastically transformed from frustration to pure fear.As the smoke quickly became overwhelming, George instinctively grabbed his hanker chief and dipped it into his milk. He recalle d once being instructed that a wet cloth covering the face will help a person breathe during a fire emergency. Never having thought he would actually be in a situation that would put such a trick to use, he found the situation unfathomable. Wisely, they decided to keep calm and think of a way out. The window washer grabbed his squeegee and used all his might in an attempt to pry the doors open, asking with strained breathes for the others to join in and help.As a result, they finally got the doors open. George felt a sense of relief, as they were sliding the door open, but was hit by reality when he was met with two giant, painted letters – 50. Right in front of the doors; in front of his escape to enjoy the rest of his life with his beautiful wife, was a wall offering no escape. Then and there he pulled out his phone and dialed his wife, only to discover that there was no signal. The frustration he had towards himself was overflowing. All he could think about was how meaning less were. The frustration then gave him a kick to push on.He began to pierce through the wall with the metal end of the squeegee. After piercing a small hole the men all crowded around it trying to breathe in every bit of fresh oxygen they could. As a group, they worked towards kicking at the wall. Eventually they were able to create a hole big enough to crawl through. Before long George and the other men were discovered by a firefighter and led down the stairs. Every step he took he thought about hurrying home to his wife and saying the things he should’ve said before he left. Phoenix is a hero. His focus and ability to stay calm under pressure was phenomenal.There are many lessons a person could get out of this incredible story. But I think there was one extremely important lesson Mr. Phoenix wanted people to learn out of his story. That 43 minutes of his life taught George the importance of words, and that no matter what your emotion may be, you must use your words wisely . The day a person’s life is taken away remains unknown. Each life and therefore each day in a life is precious and should be valued. No matter what may be going on in life, keep your head held high and tell everyone that you love how much they mean to you. You never know when or what your last words may be to someone.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gone in 60 Seconds essays

Gone in 60 Seconds essays Gone in 60 Seconds reunites actor Nicolas Cage with producer Jerry Bruckheimer. The two are known for some of the best action movies ever, including The Rock and Con Air. Gone in 60 Seconds carries on that very same tradition with fast high speed action and fast high speed car chases. Gone in 60 Seconds tells the story of Randall Memphis Raines (Cage), a retired car thief who has given up the life of crime and has settled down. His younger brother (Ribisi), is still very much into the car stealing scene, and has gotten himself into trouble with his boss by botching a high priced boost. The boss then sends an ultimatum to Memphis: either he comes back to the business and lifts 50 cars in 4 days, or his brother dies. Memphis decides to return to his former profession for the sake of his brother, and gathers some old friends and forms a crew of car boosting experts. The chemistry between most of the characters works. Cage plays the protective older brother to Ribisi, a kid whos gotten into the life too deep and finds himself in more trouble than he can handle. Robert Duvall is the veteran who masterminds the whole The supporting cast is there for some comic relief. They fill the movie with many cliches and stereotypes. Ribisis young friends are the exact opposite of Cages crew. They are using their new high tech gadgets to steal cars for the money, unlike Cage and his crew who do it for the rush. In one of the funnier scenes, a member of Cages team is car-jacked while he is driving away with a stolen car. Instead of surrendering, he curses, gets out of his car, beats down the car-jacker, and lectures him that hes an amateur who doesnt know the first thing about reall ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Bohr Atom Energy Change Example Problem

Bohr Atom Energy Change Example Problem This example problem demonstrates how to find the energy change that corresponds to a change between energy levels of a Bohr atom. According to the Bohr model, an atom consists of a small positive charged nucleus that is orbited by negatively charged electrons. The energy of an electrons orbit is determined by the size of the orbit, with the lowest energy found in the smallest, innermost orbit. When an electron moves from one orbit to another, energy is absorbed or released. The Rydberg formula is used to find the atom energy change. Most Bohr atom problems deal with hydrogen because it is the simplest atom and the easiest to use for calculations. Bohr Atom Problem What is the energy change when an electron drops from the n3 energy state to the 1 energy state in a hydrogen atom? Solution: E hÃŽ ½ hc/ÃŽ » According tothe Rydberg Formula 1/ÃŽ » R(Z2/n2) whereR 1.097 x 107  m-1Z   Atomic number  of the atom (Z1 for hydrogen) Combine These Formulas E hcR(Z2/n2)h 6.626 x 10-34  J ·sc 3 x 108  m/secR 1.097 x 107  m-1hcR 6.626 x 10-34  J ·s x 3 x 108  m/sec x 1.097 x 107  m-1hcR 2.18 x 10-18  JE 2.18 x 10-18  J(Z2/n2)En3E 2.18 x 10-18  J(12/32)E 2.18 x 10-18  J(1/9)E 2.42 x 10-19  JEn1E 2.18 x 10-18  J(12/12)E 2.18 x 10-18  JΔE En3  - En1ΔE 2.42 x 10-19  J - 2.18 x 10-18  JΔE -1.938 x 10-18  J Answer The energy change when an electron in the n3 energy state to the n1 energy state of a hydrogen atom is -1.938 x 10-18  J.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Peroxidase Lab Report Essay Example

Peroxidase Lab Report Essay Example Peroxidase Lab Report Paper Peroxidase Lab Report Paper We were able to measure enzymatic activity by the change in absorbency per second with a spectrophotometer. By testing different concentrations of peroxides and its reaction rate in seconds, we were able to see that as the amount of enzyme increased the catalytic reaction also increased. The optimal amount of peroxides concentration to be used in the subsequent experiments was determined to be 1. 0 ml. Any amount above this would have caused the rate of absorbency to be too fast, making it too difficult to get accurate readings. Any amount below this would not have produced a reaction at an appreciable rate. (Dolphin, Fleck, Collect and Wastage, p. 76) In addition, our results show that a rise temperature and pH only increase the rate of reaction to a certain point before the reaction rate begins to decline dramatically. In the case of boiling of the enzyme there was no rate of reaction found whatsoever. A similar result was found when hydroxylation was added to the peroxides and it caused an inhibition reaction. Overall, the results show that the peroxides enzyme is sensitive with reference to the above factors in whether or not a reaction is catcalled. INTRODUCTION Enzymes are essential in the breakdown of certain materials or molecules that cannot be used by or are harmful to an organism as they are, into products that can be used or are not harmful for the organism. They are proteins and their structure consists of amino acids with a specific shape. Enzymes have an area called an active site where substrates (only a particular molecule or material to be converted) bind. When the substrate is bound to the active site on the whole entity becomes an enzyme-substrate complex. The substrates covalent bond is disrupted and this chemical change constructs a new product from the original abstract while leaving the enzyme unaffected. Once this new product is released, the enzyme can bind again with more of these molecules needing conversion. Sometimes the enzyme works with commences or cofactors such as vitamins or metallic ions to help the binding process. In other cases competitive inhibitors are at work and prevent a substrate from being bound to the active site on the enzyme. The competitive inhibitor is similar enough to bind with the enzyme, but because it is not a perfect match, the enzyme then loses its ability to catalyst a reaction for that moment. In accordance with these properties, we ill see how certain factors affect the reaction rate of peroxides. For our purposes in this lab we used the enzyme peroxides extracted from a turnip. Peroxides, along with the help of its iron ion cofactor, catalysts harmful hydrogen peroxide (H2O) into a harmless compound and water. In order to follow the rate of reaction for the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide, we used ecological, a colorless dye, which donates electrons and turns brown when it is oxidized. We used this dye so that we could measure the absorbency with the spectrophotometer as the hydrogen peroxide is being broken down and the lour change gets stronger over specific time intervals. We developed several null hypotheses for these experiments: 1) The amount of enzyme added to the reaction will not affect the rate of reaction. 2) Temperature will not affect the enzymatic activity. 3) pH will not affect enzymatic activity. 4) Similar molecule to substrate will not affect enzymatic activity. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials and methods are taken from Lab Topic 7 in the Biological Investigations, 9th Edition. RESULTS Graph 1- Effects of Peroxides Amounts Graph 2 Temperature Effects on Peroxides Activity Graph 3 pH Effects on Peroxides Activity Graph 4 Boiled Peroxides Results Graph 5 Hydroxylation Results Graph 6 Optimum Temperature for Reaction Rate of Peroxides Graph 7 Optimum pH for Reaction Rate of Peroxides In Graph 1, Effects of Peroxides Amounts, it shows the difference in rates of reactions with different concentrations of peroxides in the solution Tubes 2 3 at 0. 5 ml, Tubes at 1. 0 ml and Tubes 6 7 at 2. 0 ml, along with corresponding line slopes. Graph 2, Temperature Effects on Peroxides Activity, shows the difference in rates of reaction for 1. Ml peroxides at ICC, Room Temperature ICC, ICC and ICC along with their corresponding line slopes. For Graph 3, pH Effects on Peroxides Activity, it shows the rates of reaction at pH 3, pH 5, pH 7 and pH 9, along with its corresponding line slopes at 1. 0 ml peroxides. Graph 4, Boiled Peroxides Results, shows the rates of reaction for 1. 0 ml between a Normal Extract of peroxides and a Boiled Extract of peroxides, both with their corresponding line slopes. In Graph 5, Hydroxylation Results, it shows rates of reaction for 1. Ml between a Normal Extract of peroxides without hydroxylation and a Hydroxylation-treated Extract of peroxides. Graph 6, Optimum Temperature for Reaction Rate of Peroxides, shows the slope of the line at each temperature. Lastly, Graph 7, Optimum pH for Reaction Rate of Peroxides, shows the slope of the line at each level of PH. DISCUSSION The significance of the observations in testing the enzyme peroxides and its rate of breaking down hydrogen peroxide helped us to make a decision as to whether to accept or reject our hypotheses in the experiment. The amount of peroxides concentration had a direct relationship to how slowly or how quickly a reaction took place. This result allowed us to reject our hypothesis that the mount of enzyme added to the reaction will not affect the rate of reaction. This test was important so that we could ascertain the best amount of concentration to use in the subsequent experiments with the spectrophotometer set at absorbency 470 NM and timed recordings at 20-second intervals for a total of 2 minutes. At 0. 5 ml of peroxides the reaction time was too slow thus no appreciable line or slope was rendered to measure the reaction with any accuracy. Conversely, it was a challenge to get accurate absorbency readings at 2. 0 ml of peroxides because the pace of the reaction appreciated so quickly and hen met equilibrium. At 1. 0 ml of peroxides the reaction time rendered an appreciable line and slope making it easier to record the absorbency every 20 seconds for 2 minutes and ultimately, the best concentration for use in the next experiments. It is known that when heat is applied to molecules, they move faster and collide more as the temperature rises. This is also true for the enzyme peroxides and its substrate until the temperature reaches ICC and then the reaction begins to taper off and it dives down drastically at ICC when the hydrogen bonds holding peroxides structure together begin to break. The results of this test confirm the same by the slope of each line and thereby we are able to reject our hypothesis that temperature has no effect on peroxides rate of reaction. At ICC the slope of the line is 0. 0071, at Room Temperature ? ICC the slope is 0. 0094, at ICC the slope is 0. 091 and at ICC it is 0. 0052. This is easily seen on the derivative Graph 6: Optimum Temperature for Reaction Rate of Peroxides attached. It should be mentioned here that in class it was decided from the table of results on the board for this experiment that ICC was the optimal temperature. In addition, it is difficult to fully see the results from the line graph number 2. As we can see here from the derivative graph, that just numbers without the prop er graphs can be misleading and it is necessary to take further steps in clarifying the observations and results. As for pH effects on peroxides activity, Graph 3, indicates that the amount of acidity or bassinets to a solution changes the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme and thereby changes the ability to bind with the substrate in an effective manner. Here we tested the null hypothesis: pH will not affect enzymatic activity. The results from Graph 3: pH Effects on Peroxides Activity indicate that the more acidic pH 3 level disrupted the enzymes ability to bind with its substrate and its reaction rate did not appreciate noticeably. As the solution became less acid at pH 5, the greatest reaction efficiency resulted. Once the pH was at 7 and beyond the reaction rate for peroxides and its binding ability became poor and the reaction rate declined. Again, it was necessary to do a derivative graph to see the slope results clearly. In Graph 7: Optimum pH for Reaction Rate of Peroxides, the rate of reaction increased drastically from pH 3 with a slope f 0. 00007 to pH 5 with a slope of 0. 0055 and then trails off as the bassinets increases at pH 7 with a slope of 0. 047 and plummets as it reaches pH 9 with a slope of 0. 0022. We can see the optimal pH is 5 in this experiment and we were able to refute our null hypothesis because it was shown that pH does affect peroxides reaction rates. In boiling the peroxides extract, the result was that no reaction activity was found. As mentioned in our book by Dolphin, Fleck, Collect and Wastage, the enzyme is denatured because the high temperature broke a large number of hydroge n bonds, which dramatically changed the structure of the enzyme permanently (82). A denatured enzyme cannot catalyst a reaction and this result appears evident on Graph 4: Boiled Peroxides Results. The comparison between a normal extract of peroxides and a boiled extract of peroxides shows that zero absorbency with no appreciation was yielded over the two minutes for the boiled extract as opposed to the normal extract that did yield an appreciable line with a slope of 0. 0099. Again, we can refute our null hypothesis of temperature will not affect the enzymatic activity. Finally, a null hypothesis that a similar molecule to substrate will not affect enzymatic activity was tested.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Relevant Information for Decision Making session long project 3 Essay

Relevant Information for Decision Making session long project 3 (walmart) accounting - Essay Example Here the two main questions and pieces of information that need to be considered are a) the location of the stores and the relative distance from the competitors and b) the Sales potential for the stores and the estimated revenue that the company might expect from the stores. Both these have a major impact on the overall profitability of the company. The irrelevant information for the company includes a) the sales for the US branch of the company and b) the sales forecast for Wal Mart international. Both these pieces of information do not have an impact on the company or the profitability of the company and hence can be ignored while the decision making process. Using the contribution margin for each of the stores will permit Wal Mart to accurately identify the most profitable locations. The first step to be adopted here will be to finalise the major stores, which are expected to grow and develop to achieve high market shares, following which it is essential for the company to detail the additional costs that relate to the smaller stores. Also the marginal fixed overheads can also be used to do so. The use of marginal costs of the additional stores can be obtained using the above information. Using the contribution margin method proves to be very effective and impactful on the businesses as the full cost and tradition methods of costing are not valid in the present times and hence the demand for the products is high as well. Also, this will provide information to the management which will help make more informed decisions for the additional store. Also this will allow gain a clear picture of the benefits that the additional store can provide and will also help in better estimation of the profitability of the stores as well. However, it is essential to keep in mind that although the contribution margin analysis is a simple process, the efforts to involved in finding the information for the analysis if quite tedious. Also the costs involved for the

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Drug Diazepam in Pharmacology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

The Drug Diazepam in Pharmacology - Essay Example Only paramedics are allowed to use in the management of â€Å"psychostimulant-induced behavioral disturbances† in times of emergency (National Drug Strategy). a. A list of conventional over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, complementary alternative medicines (CAMs) and prescription medicines that are known or suspected to undergo clinically relevant interactions with your profile drug in humans. b. List the source(s) of information you have used and indicate the strength of the evidence (e.g. anecdotal report, clinical case, clinical trial, etc) for each of the interactions that you have identified. Fluconazole is an antifungal that belongs to a group of drugs known as azoles that increases the effects of Diazepam by increasing the levels of Diazepam available in the plasma at any given time. A study conducted by Saari established that Fluconazole increased the level of Diazepam two and a half times thereby increasing the sedative effects of Diazepam. However, the peak plasma concentrations and the pharmacodynamics of Diazepam were not affected (941-999). Voriconazole may inhibit Diazepams metabolism, increasing the risk of adverse effects. In essence, Voriconazole acts the same way as Fluconazole by increasing the levels of Diazepam that are available in the plasma at any given time (Saari 941-999). Therefore, a Diazepam dose should be decreased. Diazepam may possibly increase or decrease phenytoin concentration. The phenytoin concentration should be monitored in case of toxicity and the phenytoin dose should be adjusted as necessary (Australian Medicine Handbook 2011). Enhanced sedation or respiratory and cardiovascular depression may occur if diazepam or other benzodiazepines are combined with drugs that have CNS-depressant properties such as alcohol, antidepressants, sedative antihistamines, antipsychotics, general anesthetics, other hypnotics or sedatives and opioid analgesics.  

Upstream, Downstream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Upstream, Downstream - Essay Example According to the discussion â€Å"Rule of capture† illustrates ground water; landowners have the resources, and the right to use water under their land. Surface water usage is regulated by the Texas state. Individuals or organizations using the surface water must continuously get water right permission from Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). For the Colorado River basin, Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) grants the water usage rights. Due to the worse drought conditions LCRA and TCEQ implemented an emergency relief partnership. This ensures efficient water usage by all stakeholders in Texas. The Austin area of the state utilizes water for diverse purpose. These include industrial usage, domestic usage, and agricultural usage. The continuously increasing population is the Austin area calls for efficient water usage plans to be effectively implemented. TCEQ usually directs the LCRA to change the water plan, so as to effectively manage the downstream releases. This ensures efficient water usage in the state by all the stakeholders. TCEQ has the authority of controlling surface water like spring deliveries. Controls minimizing deliveries negatively affects wildlife and agricultural activities. For instance, the rice industry in Texas is negatively affected but to inadequate irrigation water supply. The TCEQ action is a painful decision, as a result of inadequate rainfall that led to reduction in water volumes of Highland.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What are the main uses of ultrasound in (i) an imaging department, and Essay - 1

What are the main uses of ultrasound in (i) an imaging department, and (ii) a vascular department If possible, relate your answer to observations of actual departments or centres - Essay Example Because of the clarity of the images, especially the 3 dimension and 4 dimension types, it is now possible to view the development of the foetus in the womb and the nature of a timorous growth in the breast among others. Vascular ultrasound is used to view pictures of the body’s blood vessels. The vessels are made up mainly of veins and arteries, which are differentiated by the direction in which they carry blood flow in relation to the heart. Veins carry blood into the heart while arteries carry it away from the heart. Vascular sonographies are therefore important in helping doctors to view the flow of the blood and any blockages or constrictions in the vessels carrying it. In this way, causes of problems such as strokes or coronary malfunctions can be easily identified1. A variety of this ultrasound technique is the Doppler technique, which is used specifically to measure the rate of blood flow in the vessels. It is obviously a very important intervention in case of hypertension. The Doppler technique helps in imaging the rate and direction of the flow of blood. It contrasts the blood from the vein by for instance showing the veins as blue in color while the blood is red. The colorful image s shown are not only picturesque and breathtaking but also give a very accurate display of the flow. Problems such as blockages or interruptions can also be easily noticed2. The type of sonography known as imaging is a noninvasive test method that enables medical practitioners to examine internal organs of the body without necessarily cutting the patient open. It specifically concentrates on a particular organ for a definite purpose. This imaging falls into three main categories. The first is the A-mode in which a single sound wave is used to scan a strait line in the body giving its image in terms of depth. This applies to the scanning of a tumor for instance. The B-mode involves a

To improve customer satisfaction through customer journey experience Research Paper

To improve customer satisfaction through customer journey experience in retail banking of a local bank - Research Paper Example The project would review the impact of these two concepts on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Service quality is a central element to the success of businesses. This is because quality is often inherent in the nature and structure of the level of satisfaction that customers attain in accessing services (Parker, 2010). This implies that the success and failure of a given company depends on how well they meet service quality requirements and expectations. Service quality makes customers satisfied. This provides a strong case for customers to remain loyal to a company and its brands (Sigala, 2008). Customer relationship management is therefore a tool for the creation of a strong connection and bond with its customers. This relationship is steeped in service quality and it leads to customer loyalty. According to Sigala (2008), customer relationship management is essential for the survival of businesses. Customer relationship management enables a company to build a long term link with its customers and convert them to returning clients. Another research states that it costs up to seven times more to attract a new client than to convert an existing customer to a returning customers (Parker, 2010). This means that customer relationship management is important and vital in cutting down costs and at the same time, promoting a firms operations. Customer relationship management provides a structured means through which maintains a link with its customer. This helps the company to optimize its relationship with the customers and use the best systems to continue to remain in touch with the customers. Another school of thought presented by OReilly and Paper, 2012) is that customer relationship management providers an avenue for the maintenance of a satisfactory quality level. Customer relationship management enables a business to operate to meet the best

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What are the main uses of ultrasound in (i) an imaging department, and Essay - 1

What are the main uses of ultrasound in (i) an imaging department, and (ii) a vascular department If possible, relate your answer to observations of actual departments or centres - Essay Example Because of the clarity of the images, especially the 3 dimension and 4 dimension types, it is now possible to view the development of the foetus in the womb and the nature of a timorous growth in the breast among others. Vascular ultrasound is used to view pictures of the body’s blood vessels. The vessels are made up mainly of veins and arteries, which are differentiated by the direction in which they carry blood flow in relation to the heart. Veins carry blood into the heart while arteries carry it away from the heart. Vascular sonographies are therefore important in helping doctors to view the flow of the blood and any blockages or constrictions in the vessels carrying it. In this way, causes of problems such as strokes or coronary malfunctions can be easily identified1. A variety of this ultrasound technique is the Doppler technique, which is used specifically to measure the rate of blood flow in the vessels. It is obviously a very important intervention in case of hypertension. The Doppler technique helps in imaging the rate and direction of the flow of blood. It contrasts the blood from the vein by for instance showing the veins as blue in color while the blood is red. The colorful image s shown are not only picturesque and breathtaking but also give a very accurate display of the flow. Problems such as blockages or interruptions can also be easily noticed2. The type of sonography known as imaging is a noninvasive test method that enables medical practitioners to examine internal organs of the body without necessarily cutting the patient open. It specifically concentrates on a particular organ for a definite purpose. This imaging falls into three main categories. The first is the A-mode in which a single sound wave is used to scan a strait line in the body giving its image in terms of depth. This applies to the scanning of a tumor for instance. The B-mode involves a

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Question to answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Question to answer - Essay Example n terms of effectiveness, managers in my organization use the budget process to strategize for the future since the cost of healthcare equipments and services is constantly changing as a result of uncertainties in the global market. Our organization is able to forecast on future costs of these equipments and therefore make financial plans to purchase them before the costs increase. To purchase these equipments, the managers must first understand cash flow within the organization in order to plan or budget on the basis of available funds. This is how my organization employs the concept of budgeting. I have observed that there is a disconnect between the managers and the employees in relation to budget formulation and implementation. The managers solely formulate the budget and then impart or confer it to the employees. In so doing, employees are not involved in the formulation process and hence they feel that their input is not needed within the organization. Achieving projected results from a budget is dependent on the employees as they are the implementers of action plans (Finkler, Ward and Baker, 2007). In our case, the purchase of new equipments is geared towards improving efficiency in the workplace and in the long run increase performance and patients satisfaction. The fact that employees are not involved in formulating the budget affects their motivation levels and job satisfaction and hence affecting the outcome of care practices. Engaging the employees in the budgeting process in terms of considering their input would greatly improve the process and also improve employ ees

Glass beaker Essay Example for Free

Glass beaker Essay Our experiment will be repeated three times, and we will use the same stopwatch. We will place the candle onto the safety mat and light it. Carefully, one of us will cover the lit candle with the beaker, whilst the other shall start the stopwatch. As soon as the candle goes out the stopwatch shall be stopped, measured and the result will be recorded into the results table. This shall be repeated two more times for the same beaker and the results will also be recorded into the results table. We will carry out this method four more times for the measured beakers, and then we will do the same with the Gas Jar. The difference in method between the Gas Jar and the other beakers is that we know the volumes of the other beakers, but the volume of the Gas Jar is unknown. For the Gas Jar, we will put a candle onto a safety mat, light it, and then cover it with the Gas Jar. We will start the stopwatch and record how many seconds the candle is lit for. As soon as the candle goes out, the stopwatch will be stopped. We will record the amount of time the candle is lit for, into the results table. Then I will find the average result of the three tests for each beaker. I will find this by using this formula. This average will then be recorded into my results table. Then I will draw my graph. On my graph, the seconds will be on the y axis and the volumes of the beakers will be on the x axis. I will plot all of my results onto my graph and measure a line of best fit. On the line of best fit will be all of the approximate results of the seconds the candle is lit for, for all volumes of beakers. To find the volume of the gas jar, I will plot the time that the candle was lit for on the line of best fit. Then I will follow my finger from the line, horizontally, to the y axis, and see what the approximate volume of the Gas Jar is. Results TIME CANDLE IS LIT FOR (s) Volume of Glass Beaker (cm 3) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 AVERAGEAnalysis From my results I have found out the Gas Jar has an approximate volume of 200 cm cubed. I conclude that it is possible to find out the volume of a beaker when all you know is how long a candle burns for when it is placed underneath. The graph proves my prediction to be correct. I said that the larger the beaker, the longer the candle will burn for, which would then give my graph a positive correlation. This is what happened. When the size of the beaker went up, so did the amount of time the candle beneath it. There was a relationship between the variables I was measuring The larger the Beaker, the longer the candle will burn for. I proved that there is more oxygen in a large beaker than a small beaker, as the small beakers candle did not stay lit for as long as a larger beakers candle. Evaluation I have achieved the aim that I wrote at the beginning of my experiment. I have found out whether it is the candle or the size of the beaker that determines how long the candle burns for. I have also found out that you can determine the volume of a gas jar, just by timing how long the candle burns for when placed underneath. My plan was quite good. I have achieved all that I wanted to achieve, and found out all that I wanted to find out. I have gained everything from my experiment that I had aimed to gain, and without any problems. I dont think that I could have changed anything to make it better, except to maybe do more tests to get my average from, because they will, of course, be more accurate. I didnt change anything to make anything work better, it already worked perfectly fine. My results were very good, all of my results were consistent as they were quite close to each other. Also they followed my prediction perfectly, I had no problems. From my results I have calculated that the Gas Jar had an approximate volume of 200 cm cubed. The actual volume of the gas jar is 210 cm cubed. This result is extremely close to my approximation, which means that my results were very accurate. I also believe that my experiment was a very fair test, we followed our method exactly and had no reason to change anything. I think that my results were pretty reliable. There was an obvious line of best fit in which many of the results fitted in with. I did have one anomalous reading though, but it was not far off track. An Anomalous reading is a reading that didnt follow the same pattern as the others. This might have occurred because of a number of reasons. For example, We couldve made an error in taking measurements or we might not have filled up the gaps in the beaker enough etc. I think, that by carrying out a further experiment, we would extend our knowledge by changing the experiment a little, by maybe changing a different variable or by having more tests. Either way, we would learn a lot more on this specific subject. Katrina Farrant 10HA Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Ecofeminism In Environmental Ethics

Ecofeminism In Environmental Ethics Ecofeminism is a term that covers a variety of response to environmental problems and theorizing about them. This paper will look briefly on how the Ecofeminism has to do with Environmental Ethics. In the first section, will look briefly concept on Ecofeminism and environmental ethics and how do they apply. Next this paper will appear on the nature of Ecofeminist, critique of Ecofeminism and the implication of Ecofeminism to women. An attempt has been made in this paper to initiate a discussion about how the issue of how environmental degradation and exploitation of nature became a feminist issue also been discussed. Introduction The word or term of Ecofeminism was introduced by Francoise dEaubonne which is member group of feminists in France. This woman actually tries to pull out and bring out the idea and the attention to womens potential upon the crisis of ecological revolution during that time (dEaubonne 1994). Ecofeminism basely come out from idea on which the women or also known as Eve are closely with the nature compared to the men or Adam. This statement are said so because the behavior of women are feminine and fragile so do nature which are can depleted and destroy if there is no care about it. In last two decades, there are many topics and discussion especially on these Ecofeminism which are relates closely to the environmental ethics in order to prevent nature being degraded by human itself. In 1974, when the Ecofeminism come out with the issue of women and nature, the number of feminist and environmentalist on that time is increasing because of the attraction issue in Western country. The increas ing of number of both parties actually is due to the concern of the link between the domination of women and the domination of nature in Western culture especially in United Kingdom. Although the concept of Ecofeminism has come out to different meaning far from those day during Ecofeminism area in 1974 but at least it still follow the criteria and following claim (Karen 1990): (i) There are important connection between the oppression of women and the oppression of nature. (ii) Understanding the nature of these connections is necessary to any adequate understanding of the oppression of women and the oppression of nature. (iii) Feminist theory and practice must include an ecological perspective. (iv)Solution to ecological problems must include a feminism perspective. Nature of Ecofeminism There are many Feminist that are supportive on Ecofeminist and highlighted on the fact that ecology is a feminist issue. The feminist that highlighted on this issues is Susan Griffin (1998) and Mary Daly (1978), Carolyn Merchant (1980), Ynestra King (1981), Ariel Kay Salleh (1984), Karn Warren (1987,1990), Val Plumwood (1993) also discuss about the link between the oppression of women and nature in order to understand the connection why the environment is a feminist issue and why feminist issues can be addressed in terms of environmental concern(Gaard 1993). There are many feminist agree that ecology is a part of the feminist issue, which only they differ in term of nature and desirability. Ecofeminist can be based on variety of and certain of fundamental claims that point of view which link between oppression women and nature. Supposedly to understand and have wide of view in this discussion, one have to deep understand on nature of these link in order to understand more on oppressi on women and nature (Warren 1987). For ecofeminist, the idea of domination between women and nature is basic of in ideology (Warren 1990). In order to overcome, once has to reconstruct and re-concept of the underlying patriarchal value and structural relation of culture and promote equality, non-violence, non-hierarchical forms of organization to bring out new social forms (Warren 1987). Based on the feminist point of view, they said that one should inter-connect of all life process and revere nature and all life form. They also said that human should not control the nature but co-operate with it (Warren 1990). A characterization of Ecofeminism Ecological feminism is name given based on the characterization or position in different aspects of philosophies. Ecofeminism actually can interpret in much perspective of environmental ethics in the way of ecological such as understanding of the nature concept and how to mitigate or solve of environmental problems (Waren 1987). The understanding of ethics not only refers to one aspect only such as liberal, radical and socialist but it is wide world and it including of nature (Merchant 1992). So to be genuine Ecofeminist, it actually depends on how once describes it or conceptualizes of the Ecofeminist position. This is because to be the genuine Ecofeminist, it depends on how much, which or what level of the position in environmental philosophy to claim it as Ecofeminist. The different configuration of Ecofeminism is react in different way and it depends on how the linked connect between these two topic that discuss which is women and nature. It also depends on how people define it. Different people have their different understanding and view. In addition, it also differ the nature of womens oppression and how the solution been taken, the philosophy of human nature, equality and the how people response on freedom. All these aspect is depends on how each of the feminist theories to describe it (Merchant 1992). During 1960s, the issue on women in the workplace and education has become demanding for the feminist to bring out the topic in order to achieve a fulfilling life. Around the same year, the book Silent Spring written by Rachel Carslon which is feminist in 1962 that focus more on effect of pollution on the human and non-human world which give thousand question of life on earth and it become as a public issue. For an example of liberal in Ecofeminism, this perspectives actually are already been applied in Western country that are focus on political and philosophical framework that build in society to provide freedom in order to pursue their own interest. The liberal perspectives in Ecofeminism to be acceptable is actually depends on how people define it. Many Ecofeminism actually so far has do the concept of liberal feminist work such as keep intact oppressive and patriarchal ways of conceptualizing nature (Roach 1991). For an example, they actually focus work on problematic human- nature that global facing now. For liberal mode, environmental problem is one of the aspects of the degradation of natural resources which the issue are should blame on the lack of regulation of pesticides and other environmental problem. This issue can be mitigating with social production that is environmentally voice. To overcome this issue, combination of science, conservation and law is the best. Opportunity to women should open widely so that this gender can be conservator, lawyer and so on, like men. To change women profession in more professional work as discuss above, it is not the way that can decrease the environmental problem that the world facing right now. As the answer to the view that associated women and nature, these actually were devalued in Western country especially in United Kingdom which the Ecofeminist group with a radical are being analyzed the environmental problem with their critique and idea of patriarchy which could liberate both women and nature (Merchant 1990). So, the argument that always been said is that women are restricted by being closer of nature because their ability to bear children. In fact for the reality, women are actually are already gifted for feminine traits to become close to nature and earth. Critiques of Ecofeminism There are few feminist scholars such as Cecile Jackson (1993), Janet Biehl (1991), Meera Nanda (1991) and Bina Agarwal (1992) have voice out that Ecofeminist perspective which is ethnocentric, essentialist, blind to class, ethnicity and other differentiating cleavages, a historical and neglects the material sphere (Jackson 1993). The existing of Ecofeminist are results as historical exploitation and domination of women and nature as goes by which are seen as victims of development. If any harm to nature, it actually harm to women equally which is act as self-evident to certain Ecofeminist, since the women are close to nature compared to men. None of the claim or argument is link to both of those statements (women and nature). This claim is looking so personal observation and takes its position as self-evident. It actually looks as the maximization to the women and nature in ideology which neglecting the others such as the economic advantage and political power as well as the gender of labor and opportunity (Agarwal 1992). The view of women are become stereotype which men are expect women to become such as caring and nurturing without thought as a full range of women abilities to do other thing (Biehl 1992). Ecofeminist such as Susan Prentice (1998) argue about the combination of women with nature and politics imply that what men are do to earth is destroying or bad compare to women which nurturing to earth. This statement was argued which ignoring that men can also develop to care of nature. This argument actually is going beyond the radical which put Ecofemenism forward a critique that focusing on the relationship between production and reproduction and between ecology (Merchant 1992). Basically, women also provide knowledge of nature which helps in sustain life. The development of Ecofeminism was disrupted because of intervention and capitalist development in society. This which results men are concurred in production of exchange commodities in capitalist system economy while women are more in domestic sphere which specific work-force and social relations. In capitalist system, it actually focuses more on production which sustainability are being neglect. For socialism it focus more on production which to satisfy people need not greed. Based on Ecofeminism view, the socialist ecology should focus more on reproduction and nature rather that focus on production. But it does not happen because they homogenize the category of women. This is because they hardly to see women in other view basics in-term as caste, class, race and ethnicity. Because of this limitation Ecofeminists make effort to join and work together with the socialist framework Implication of Ecofeminist ethics for women. It is fact that females actually give socialized in certain way to achieve and maintain the appropriate system, that it also have been true that socialization aspects which must examined before they can be reclaimed and consider useful (Cuomo 1992).It actually not surprisingly by which the famous claim and argument that mentioned women are Ecofeminism compared to men throughout their behavior are much more closely to nature. The argument of this claim actually can tell that it reinforces the patriarchal ideology of the domination and limit Ecofeminisms own effectiveness which the results noted as the biology actually determine the social inequalities between men and women (Cuomo 1992). Based on the implication that has been studied, it belief that, women are actually very connected to nature with their feminine trait to preserving the environment in order to save the earth from being degraded. Men are actually cannot as feminine as women because the trait are reserve for them which w hy men cannot be expected to participate in the restoration of any environmental projects. This is because; men actually are lack of sensitivity sense to nature that women have it. Therefore, women actually are respectfully to in charge of cleaning up the global problem especially in environment sense as to full fill that they already been done such as nurturing mother. In the nutshell, the implications of Ecofeminst ethics are should appear to women not for men. If one believe that women have all the traits to preserving nature, so it qualifies to save the earth compared to men in a way to doing restoration projects since men gender are less sensitivity to nature. In the nutshell, women therefore can be leader in preserving earth as to full their biological traits which is nurturing mothers. For the conclusion, it actually difficult appears to be emancipator for women. Conclusion Understanding about humanity concept in this world and reality life actually can be build up based on the effort to comprehend those men-women into humanity-nature concept. The account of Ecofeminist that are actually separate both men-women are lead to the exploitation of women which this gender are more likely to viewed as closer to nature compared to men. The perspective of the Ecofeminist and Environmental ethics actually lead to the sense of interdependence of all individual and also human-nature. Interconnection between women and nature of dominant traits actually lead to show the Ecofeminism are mutually supporting each other, the conceptually are linked and the explicit of the acknowledgement of both is vital to any responsible to environmental ethics. The Ecofeminist philosophy actually not mainly focuses on one section that is understand of women characterization but also understanding of liberate women with nature in order to prevent it from the structure of oppression. It has been prove that women actually are very feminine with the nature through their biological behavior. Although it has historical oppression about woman, the Ecofeminism seem agree that trait in women genetic such as caring and nurturing their kid or baby should be include in environmental ethics.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

In King Lear by William Shakespeare, it is a play mostly about tragedy like most of Shakespeare’s plays. Shakespeare uses a vast amount of animal imagery to describe the characteristics of the villains to refer back to. He also presents an ample amount of symbolism throughout the play. The play starts by King Lear trying to settle matter of his estate between his three daughters: Goneril the eldest daughter and his also favorite daughter, Regan his second daughter, and Cordelia the youngest daughter. Based on their adulation Lear would decide who would get the largest share based on who â€Å"loves† him the most. Both Goneril and Regan declare in lavish terms that they love him more than anything in the world, which pleases Lear. For Cordelia, there is nothing to compare her love to; she being honest declares that there are no words that would express her love, which makes King Lear furious. In his anger he disowns Cordelia, and divides the kingdom between Regan and Goneril bringing tragically consequences throughout the play. Goneril and Regan plan to take all of Lear's power out of h...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Internet Addiction and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Essay

The world as we know it has begun to turn into one of modern technology and reliance on modern technology. The coming generations will grow up with even more technology surrounding them in addition to mp3s, cell phones, computers, convenience machines, and the internet. The internet is always expanding and encompassing more as time passes on. From its’ development to today, the internet is used for more than information gathering, such as playing video games, games, socializing via chatting, Skype, social networking sites, watching movies, and more. With so much to do on the internet, it can become time consuming and even become addictive to some, leading to excessive overuse or addiction. Internet addiction behaviors include â€Å"us[ing] the internet for extended periods, isolating themselves from other forms of social contact, and focus almost entirely on the internet rather than broader life events† (Weinstein 2010, p. 277). Therefore, moderating your intern et use time and early treatment of excessive internet use or internet addiction would reduce the risks of further consequences such as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Internet addiction is a term I had only heard of recently and the association between this topic and ADHD is even more new to me. We rely on the internet to communicate and keep track of everything happening around the world, with friends and family, work, etc. In the beginning, the internet was used for information gathering, storing, and passing on and used by the government and military with limited access and/or use by civilians. However, the internet is more easily accessible these days and we have become highly dependent on it to get through the day. With the amount of activities we... ...37-943. Marks, I. (1990). Behavioural (non-chemical) addictions. British Journal of Addictions 85, 1389-1394. McGough, J. J., & Barkley, R. A. (2004). Diagnostic controversies in Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Am J Psychiatry, 161(11), 1948-1956. Weinstein, A., Lejoyeux, M. (2010). Internet addiction or excessive internet use. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 36, 277-283. Yen, J., Yen, C., Chen, C., Tang, T., & Ko, C. (2009). The association between adult adhd symptoms and internet addiction among college students: The gender difference. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 12(2), 187-191. Yoo, H. J., Cho, S. C., Ha, J., Yune, S. K., Kim, S. J., Hwang, J., Chung, A., Sung, H. S., Lyoo, I. K. (2004). Attention deficit hyperactivity symptoms and internet addiction. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 58, 487-494. Internet Addiction and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Essay The world as we know it has begun to turn into one of modern technology and reliance on modern technology. The coming generations will grow up with even more technology surrounding them in addition to mp3s, cell phones, computers, convenience machines, and the internet. The internet is always expanding and encompassing more as time passes on. From its’ development to today, the internet is used for more than information gathering, such as playing video games, games, socializing via chatting, Skype, social networking sites, watching movies, and more. With so much to do on the internet, it can become time consuming and even become addictive to some, leading to excessive overuse or addiction. Internet addiction behaviors include â€Å"us[ing] the internet for extended periods, isolating themselves from other forms of social contact, and focus almost entirely on the internet rather than broader life events† (Weinstein 2010, p. 277). Therefore, moderating your intern et use time and early treatment of excessive internet use or internet addiction would reduce the risks of further consequences such as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Internet addiction is a term I had only heard of recently and the association between this topic and ADHD is even more new to me. We rely on the internet to communicate and keep track of everything happening around the world, with friends and family, work, etc. In the beginning, the internet was used for information gathering, storing, and passing on and used by the government and military with limited access and/or use by civilians. However, the internet is more easily accessible these days and we have become highly dependent on it to get through the day. With the amount of activities we... ...37-943. Marks, I. (1990). Behavioural (non-chemical) addictions. British Journal of Addictions 85, 1389-1394. McGough, J. J., & Barkley, R. A. (2004). Diagnostic controversies in Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Am J Psychiatry, 161(11), 1948-1956. Weinstein, A., Lejoyeux, M. (2010). Internet addiction or excessive internet use. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 36, 277-283. Yen, J., Yen, C., Chen, C., Tang, T., & Ko, C. (2009). The association between adult adhd symptoms and internet addiction among college students: The gender difference. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 12(2), 187-191. Yoo, H. J., Cho, S. C., Ha, J., Yune, S. K., Kim, S. J., Hwang, J., Chung, A., Sung, H. S., Lyoo, I. K. (2004). Attention deficit hyperactivity symptoms and internet addiction. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 58, 487-494.

Friday, October 11, 2019

EL wk

Unfortunately there is a lot of concern about whether or not many searchers have the proper knowledge or experience working in or living in diverse environments (Robinson & Clearly, 2011). One way of dealing with this is to integrate ways to approach cultural diversity throughout the teaching program. Once teachers are given the proper techniques then dealing with and approaching diversity will be much easier. Another great way to acknowledge cultural diversity is to integrate it into all aspects of education. Social studies is a great subject to pull from, but it does not end there.Although the case study was for Korea, Johnson Choc, had mom great ideas of how to educate others regarding cultural diversity. He states that the main goal was to â€Å"plans are to teach children of multicultural families Korean culture, to help them learn Korean as well as their mother tongue, and to provide after school programs so that the children can adjust themselves to the education system† (Johnson, 2010). The idea of having after school programs to aid ELL's and their families in learning English is terrific.This will extend the learning time outside of the classroom for those who would be interested in participating, as well as, offering childcare during after school hours. As an educator it is important to reach out to families of English Language Learners and connect with them. Teachers must encourage families to participate in school functions and aid in the success of their child's education. Connecting with families has many positive outcomes, but one in particular is squashing the idea that immigrant and minority cultural values are dysfunctional (Syria, 201 1).Therefore, it is important to work together as a school and community to ensure students and their families feel welcomed. Inviting members of the community into the classroom who are great cultural role models is a great way of accomplishing this. Syria suggest six ideas or target areas that can be h elpful, and they are, assisting families with parenting skills, improve communication with families, increase opportunities for families to volunteer at school, help increase family involvement in student learning at home, ensure that families play a role in school decision making, and increase collaboration with the community (Syria, 2011).With this in mind survey your community and connect with families, then develop activities that will ensure their involvement and cooperation. Below are examples of three activities that honor and respect cultural diversity. Activity One: Celebrate Cinch De Mayo This will be a two part activity to be done during class time and after school. To begin, as a class we will be creating decorations for a potluck type dinner that evening, and decorating the gymnasium or community hall. We will need different types of paper, material, glue, string, and tape.This would also be a great opportunity for students to bring things from home that represent their culture. We could use these things as centerpieces on the tables. Prior to these activities flyers will be sent home in both English and Spanish to inform families of the projects, and the celebration. The flyer will not only request their appearance, but to also bring their favorite Cinch De Mayo dish. This activity is addressing the Spanish speaking community and bringing a part of their culture into the classroom and outside of the classroom.Let's face it who does not like a celebration with, food, family, and fun. This provides a great opportunity to teach social studies and the history of Cinch De Mayo and its importance. It is also a great tool for art, science, reading and math. Activity Two: Open House Volunteers At the first open house of the year have parents sign up as classroom lepers for days of importance from their culture. You would partner with the parents to gather information on what day they would like to honor from their culture. The parents would be your best resource for what children could learn from them.You and the parent could meet the week before the event to plan the activities, worksheets, etc. And by doing this you have an ongoing dialogue with parents, parents become active participants in learning, and it gives the English learner student a greater sense of pride and inclusion into an often otherwise difficult transition. This can target all cultural groups within the classroom. The materials are minimal at first and consist of calendars in English and the home language to mark the important dates, pens or markers, and welcome flyers.Please note that a calendar in each language should be sent home with the families. From there as you develop activities your supply list will change as needed. This again will pull from all subjects within the classroom and involve both students and their families. Activity Three: Homemade Dictionary In this activity you will devise a dictionary to help the students and their arenas with the tran sition in English language learning. You could include pictures with the words to help with translation and understanding.You could ask parents to submit suggestions for words from their language that are commonly used and create a page of English words and their language words for a better understanding of language the student might be using. This would be extremely helpful to you and to other students who are trying to befriend the English language learner and include them in activities in the classroom. This activity will target all cultures within the classroom and will be extremely helpful in all subjects, but mainly in Language Arts.The materials will be minimal at first, because you want to compile lists that will then be transferred to poster board and located throughout the classroom. So pens, pencils, and paper is all that is necessary to begin. The great thing about this activity is that it will not only help the students, but the teacher as well. It is not uncommon for n on-English Language learners to get stuck for words from time to time, so having these prompts through out the classroom in both English and the home language will help everyone in class to monomaniac. Teaching cultural diversity within the classroom is important to everyone.It is not only helpful to the teacher and English language learner, but it also teaches the other students to respect other cultures and their beliefs. The over all goals here is to teach ELL students the English language, but we do not want them to completely leave out their heritage and beliefs. Inclusion is futile and we can do this by involving their families and educating them on how to take part in their child's education. This can be accomplished by making sure teachers are give the proper techniques to approach diversity, and connecting with culturally diverse families, and figures throughout the community.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Are Lord And Lady Capulet Good Parents? Essay

The Victorian era was a tremendously exciting period when many artistic styles, political and religious movements flourished. It was the era of invention and progress and it would prove to progress a lot leaving Victorian life at the end of Queen Victoria’s reign unrecognizable. Life in Victorian times was very much based on and steeped in tradition, religion and reason. This is why they were hugely fascinated by things outside the box like ghosts, the supernatural, magic, foreign travel and Arabian nights. Foreign travel was only available to the extremely rich, the army and health services, and Arabian nights was like a fantasy land to them. Reading about things like this was like naughty literature to them, a secret thrill that they shouldn’t be reading as it’s against there religion. Victorians were starting to think it was possible that other things could be out there, expanding there minds to different possibilities, taking in more ideas and enjoying it. The Monkeys Paw (W.W Jacobs) and The Red Room (H.G Wells) are both Victorian short stories pushing against reason and religion and filling the Victorians minds with endless possibilities. Where The Red Room is more a traditional Victorian gothic ghost story The Monkeys Paw is more to do with foreign travel, different lands and magic. The Monkeys Paw is W.W. Jacobs’ most famous story and is considered to be a classic of horror fiction. A tale about morality, the right thing to do, the dangers of the tempting fate and messing around with things you don’t understand. It sends out a message†¦ ‘Be careful for what you wish for’. The opening of the story is a metaphor of society, the Victorians were very cozy in there lifestyle. Huddling together to keep England, keep ideas, keep reason, keep religion and stick to what they know but new things are trying to get in. When Jacobs wrote The Monkeys Paw the Victorians were curious about exotic far off lands and travelling, a popular saying at the time was â€Å"the sun never sets on the British empire † By the early 1900s, England had conquered and colonized countries all over the world. The saying meant that somewhere in the world it was always daylight, and there a British colony could be found. Jacobs uses foreshadowing, imagery and symbolism in this story to explore the consequences of tempting fate. His careful, economical creation of setting and atmosphere add suspense and tension to the tale, two of the main story themes along with fate and chance. As the story unfolds, author Jacobs provides many hints that, indeed, the monkey’s paw does possess strange powers, and that tempting fate by making the three wishes is a grave mistake†¦ The story begins with a contrast between a close cozy Victorian family in Lakesnam Villa that are huddled together by the warm fire, father and son playing chess whilst mother knits against the terrible cold damp remoteness of the outside world hidden behind the closed blinds. The name of the villa of which they live is named ‘Laburnum’ which is also the name of a deadly poisonous plant, making the characters home the name of a deadly plant could be informing the reader something bad could happen later on within the story so this makes the reader wonder more creating tension within the reader as they are apprehensive as to what will happen next. Down the page a bit when Mr. White puts his king into â€Å"sharp and unnecessary perils† and soon sees â€Å"a fatal mistake after it was too late† it’s a kind of mini-drama, one that tells us what is about to happen in the story. Its using foreshadowing to depict and event early on in the story that is real ly a big part of the plot that is soon to unfold, it’s a clever and sneaky parallel to the ending which becomes only clear on your second read. We get our first look in at tension and suspense when the cozy atmosphere is suddenly disturbed by sudden noises such as a banging gate and heavy footsteps, it’s the best example of suspense and tension as the reader feels that there must be a reason behind a visit to such an isolated place, it also makes the reader more curious. The banging of the gate heralds the arrival of their guest, Sergeant-Major Morris, ‘a tall, burley man, beady of eye and rubicund of visage’ his descriptive description of appearance makes impact on sight as he’s so big in the room, towering above the White family. His appearance and experience is broader and he is the catalyst for the story as he brings the monkey’s paw to the Whites’ home which will change there lives forever. Morris is both familiar and exotic. Morris and Mr. White began their lives in approximately the same way; Mr. White remembers his friend as â€Å"a slip of a youth in the warehouse,† But in his twenty-one years of travel and soldiering, Morris has seen the world and has brought back tales of ‘wild scenes and doughty deeds; of wars and plagues and strange peoples.’ He’s been a lot of places and seen a lot of things yet the White family cant possibly imagine going to another country, living there life in a routine and never stepping out of it but Mr. White hints that he does want to travel stating â€Å"I’d like to go to India myself,†. Morris advises against it though saying â€Å"better where you are,† travelling isn’t all that good, better to stick to what you now instead of pushing boundaries. They’ve shared a few drinks and Morris’ eyes are brighter with his third glass of whisky at the Whites’ hearth so Mr. White now decides to bring up a previous conversation that was maybe let slip at a pub when Morris was again slightly over the limit, dropping into conversation â€Å"you started telling me the other day about a monkeys paw or something, Morris† but Morris is not keen on picking up the story that he hoped would not be brought up and discards it, stating it as â€Å"not worth hearing† and being offhanded hoping to push it aside and forget it. He’s now got all three peoples attention as the ‘three listeners leaned forward eagerly’ but he doesn’t really want it. When he finally does tell them about the monkeys paw his ‘blotchy face whitened’ and his ‘glass tapped against his strong teeth’ he shows a lot of nervous body language clearly wanting to avoid the subject completely. He tells them of a spell put on the paw by an old fakir that â€Å"wanted to show that fate ruled people’s lives, and that those who interfered with it did so to their own sorrow† which is also the moral of the story and their â€Å"light laughter jarred somewhat† using alliteration to give a light feel as they laughed uncomfortably at what he said. He says the paw gives three wishes to three different men and that he and a man before him have both had three wishes each. Mr. White deliberately doesn’t ask what Morris’ three wishes were but it appears clear they didn’t go well and Morris doesn’t offer to tell them either seeming anxious as well as nervous at this point. Circumstances soon become s ad as he explains the first mans third wish â€Å"was for death† exampling the extreme power the paw has as ‘hush fell upon the group’. Morris thinks â€Å"it has caused enough mischief already† not wanting the responsibility of passing it on to any one else and the whole way through the story he’s talking with caution of not wanting them to touch it, he’s trying to warn them. â€Å"Better let it burn† he says, he’d like to see it destroyed to put and end to it but Mr. White has other ideas â€Å"if you don’t want it ,Morris give it to me† he says back. Showing true friendship Morris wont, not wanting any blame and trying to protect his friends by keeping them out of harms way but Mr. White cant resist temptation and the excitement of playing with danger, its naughty and he knows it could have consequences but he’s on the spot, its a heat of the moment decision let it burn or try it out making the readers are curious to know more about the monkeys paw and what all can it actually do. Since there is a bad impression of the paw so far in the story the readers will also want to know what is going to happen later on and how deadly the paw can be, this sense of mystery builds suspense and tension, he has no time to think about it and just goes for it. Trying to lift the mood and break the atmosphere Mrs. White to laugh it off â€Å"sounds like Arabian nights, don’t you think you might wish for four pairs of hands for me?† she says beginning to set the supper but Morris isn’t impressed with her humor, he doesn’t feel the subject should be joked or laughed about as its not a laughing matter and doesn’t appreciate her messing around with it. â€Å"if you wish, wish for something sensible† he says. There son Herbert on the other hand doesn’t believe in it anymore then he believes in Morris’ travels saying â€Å"if the tale about the monkeys paw is not more truthful than those he has been telling us†. Mr. White took the monkeys paw and gave Morris money for it although he â€Å"didn’t want it† and he ‘pressed Mr. White again to make him throw it away’ so even after being paid he wanted them to get rid of it proving he didn’t just want money for it. The White family are at first unsure what to wish for, Mr. White says â€Å"I’ve got all I want† not being a materialistic man and being very family driven/orientated he believes that having a family, home and being comfy and safe is everything which is a very Victorian ethic but eventually they ‘wish for two hundred pounds’ to cover the mortgage and make the home there own. Tension builds up in a mock dramatic moment as Mr. White breathes the words â€Å"I wish for two hundred pounds† as if in a tense film Herbert crashes the piano like a drum roll for dad, Jacob uses the sound effect to build tension and suspense builds up after he speaks the wish as its all silent and the reader is at edge expecting something to happen. After he wishes he drops the paw ‘with a glance of disgust’ convinced it had moved in his hand he says it â€Å"twisted like a snake† using a simile to create a strange imagery of evil things associated with bad things and bad deeds. Herbert dismisses the whole thing saying â€Å"I don’t see the money, and I bet I never shall† which is an ironic parallel to the end as he doesn’t see the money, but not because it doesn’t exist. Outside the wind becomes ‘higher then ever’ and Mr. White ‘started nervously at the sound of a door banging’ disturbing the ‘unusual and depressing silence’ tension builds here as the cozy atmosphere changes dramatically and Mr. White is left feeling extremely unsettled about the whole thing and the fact the atmosphere has changed so much from the outside influences trying to break in. Suspense is built again when Mr. White looks into the fire and sees faces that are ‘so simian that he gazed at it in amazement’ simian meaning ape like it will shock the readers and Mr. White and we see him get fearful for the first time in the story. The next morning is a completely different atmosphere, it changes from a scene from a traditional horror story of a noisy and scary outside and a silent dark solemn depressing inside to the scene of brightness and happiness at a typical Victorian family breakfast table as a ‘wintery sun streamed over the breakfast table’ The new atmosphere leaves the family thinking about the way they got caught up in the story the night before and allowing it to scare them silly. Mrs. White especially thinks that the fear of the night before was ridiculous saying even if the wish was granted â€Å"how could money hurt you† little does she know, it can and it’s using dramatic irony. Not believing in it didn’t prevent her from ‘scurrying to the door at the postman’s knock’ with a hint that she’s hopeful something exciting will still happen, and the money will still come. Later on in the day she watches ‘mysterious movements of a man outside’ using a soft alliteration sound the sentence also builds suspense of who this unexpected visitor could be and what he could want. More suspense is created as he hesitates at the gate ‘trying to make up his mind to enter’. The man appears to be wealthy looking which immediately makes Mrs. White assume he is here to give them the money as she can think of no other reason that a wealthy, well dressed man would come to her house. When he finally comes to the house she ‘apologizes for the appearance of the room and her husbands coat’ embarrassed and tense about the state of her house but he’s taking no notice creating more suspense as he looks for a displacement activity when announcing he comes from ‘Maw and Meggins’ were there son works. The wealthy man delivers the news of their son’s death in a perverted and strange way, dragging it out to build tension. He says he’s â€Å"badly hurt but not feeling any pain† building suspension and leaving the readers on the edge of there seats wanting to know what’s happened and if he’s alright, but sadly he’s not. In the consideration of there sons services they receive a ‘certain sum’ adding the most tension/suspense of all in the story leaving readers shocked as they know what’s coming, Mr. Whites lips are dry with the fear building up inside him as he asks the question he doesn’t even need to ask, â€Å"how much† The manner of speech in the story also creates a lot of tension, fear and suspense for the reader. For example there are parts in the story where there are quick, short dialogues between the characters. This helps to create a lot of tension as not only is the scene tense but also the quick dialogues helps to build up tension of that particular scene. These short quick dialogues help the text to keep flowing making the scene more chaotic and tense. Also during such conversations Jacob has intelligently used simple English, so the reader can digest the text and keep up with the fast pace of the conversation. The best example of such a scene is the conversation between Mr. White and Mrs. White after their son is dead and she wants him to use the paw to bring their son back to life. â€Å"The paw!† â€Å"The Monkey’s paw† â€Å"Where? Where is it? What’s the matter?† â€Å"I want it†

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Gramscis Notion of Hegemony in Relation to the Youths of Today Essay

Gramscis Notion of Hegemony in Relation to the Youths of Today - Essay Example It should be studied in relation to other matters which could explain more of its attributes and make clear some of its questionable notions. Significantly, an aspect of hegemony could be understood through the study of the behavior and ideology of today’s youth. A particular author has proposed a new concept of hegemony which is relevant to the plight of the present young generation. In exposing the other side of hegemony, Antonio Gramsci has emphasized the importance of making use of one’s intellect in changing the face of the society. In lieu of this fact, the essay will discuss Gramsci’s notion of hegemony and its relation to the youths of today. Gramsci’s Notion of Hegemony Gramsci explains the intellectual aspect of hegemony, suggesting an intellectual struggle instead of power or political struggle. This supports the introductory argument saying that hegemony could actually be understood in light of its other aspects. Intellectual hegemony exists fo r a fact according to Gramsci. He believes that intellectual and cultural activities could also affect social change and not just an economic change (Cuff, et al., 1998). To note, in political economy, hegemony is actually associated to the struggle of economic power in the international arena. To effect an economic change, a particular country applies soft power to influence the economic system of other nations. Certain cultures are used to achieve an economic domination. Nonetheless, for Gramsci, hegemony could actually be viewed in terms of social manipulation. The members of the society could be made to affirm a particular belief or practice through the application of some intellectual activities. Antonio Gramsci actually considers ideas as weapons to change the present state of affairs of the different societies in the world (Cuff, et al., 1998). To note, these ideas are expressed and relayed upon by the influential sectors of the society such as the media. For an idea to have a hegemonic effect, it should be spread to a great number of people. The media is very significant to achieve this objective. It has the ability to influence the thinking of a person by just presenting an idea. It is in this sense that the media could manipulate the thoughts and actions of the members of a particular community. Nonetheless, so as to be in accordance with Gramsci’s notion, the idea which is to be relayed by the media should be one which is aimed at changing the society. What is to be changed is of course the bad image of a particular community. However, for a change to occur there has to be an agent. Relevantly, the youths of today could fill up this need. They could be an effective instrument for social change to happen with the help of the media. In changing the society, there has to be intellectual domination. This means that a certain idea has to be instilled in the people’s mind. The installation however, should be one which could not allow any out side factors to make an opposite claim. In this instance, the members of the society are able to resist any position which is inconsistent to what they have been exposed to. This is to say that for an intellectual domination to take place, the members of the society must learn to adhere to a common idea. The Youths of Today To emphasize, the youths are the ones primarily influenced by the media (Scheibe, n.d. cited in Mazzarella, 2007, p.61). They are the ones who are most exposed to the ideas that the media introduces. Accordingly, the dominant ideology believed in by today’s youth is a product of media’s manipulation. This proves the efficacy of media’s manipulative power. If this attribute is used for the betterment of the society, then the media would be seen as essential in creating the intellectual dom

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Globalization of China vs. United States Research Paper

Globalization of China vs. United States - Research Paper Example US Steel Corporation, established in the year 1901, is one of the biggest integrated domestically owned steel companies of US. The company’s customer base is diversified in global markets including Central Europe and Canada. It was declared as the 13th largest steel producing company in the world in the year 2010. The globalization of industries in US is expected to increase the profitability of the company in future due to growing demands in the emerging economies such as China. Baosteel, established in the year 1978, was declared as the 2nd largest steel producing company in the world in 2011 and has demonstrated excellent performance in recent years irrespective of slowdown in demand in the global market. From the financial statement analysis of the US Steel Corp. it can be said that US Steel’s production capacity exceeds its total sales leading to unsold inventory. Steel sector is already a cyclical sector in the sense that the demand for the steel products vary in every quarter. Globalization in China in expected to help the company in diversifying its products into other economies. In addition, the company’s mass production will help it to reach economies of scale in future that will further help to export steel at cheaper rates making US domestic steel industry more competitive. The study aims to analyze the financial statements of the two companies and provide a comparative analysis by highlighting key areas of concern, impact of globalization in US and China and recommend steps that should be taken to ensure profitability in competitive environment. Introduction The steel industry is one of the most important industries of the economy and is also considered as an important indicator of economy. It plays a major in the development of overall economy and infrastructure. The application of steel is used in many industries such as construction, automobiles, machinery, transportation, and many others. The global steel output was over 15 47 million tons for the year ending 2012. The most important characteristics of the steel industry are that it is cyclical and highly fragmented. The steel industry has experienced superior growth during the last two decades but after the global financial crisis, the industry suffered sluggishness in demand. In order to manage operating risk, many companies have diversified their operations in emerging economies where the demand of steel was not affected by global recession. Company Analysis Baosteel Group Corporation Baosteel Group Corporation (also known as Baosteel) is one of the iron and steel largest company of China. It was established in the year 1978 and its head quarter is in Shanghai, China. It is the world’s 2nd largest steel producer following ArcelorMittal in terms of aggregate output. In the year 2012, the company was awarded 197th rank in Fortunes Global 500 for ninth consecutive year. It was also rated by Fitch, S&P, and Moody’s as A3, A, and A- respect ively in the same year. Baosteel was also identified one of the most admired company in the world. The company primarily operates in the iron and steel industry and produces high quality steel that adds value to other industries. The main products of the company are stainless steel, special steel and carbon steel. The company reported approximately 44.2 million tons that helped it to earn over RMB 18.10 billion. Hence, it was ranked as the