Monday, December 30, 2019

A Birthday; Christina Rosetti - Analysis - 1637 Words

‘A Birthday’ is an upbeat, jubilant poem about love, written by Christina Rossetti in 1861. While many believe that this love she is expressing so effusively is about a man, I believe that it is about her new-found love for God. Rossetti, after all, was a very religious person. The poem, surprisingly, has an exuberant, lively tone, a great contrast to her other works, which almost always give a sense of gloom and bleakness. Rossetti creates a structured arrangement, allowing the images to flow smoothly. By separating the poem into two octets, containing eight syllables per line, Rossetti creates contrast by first, describing her feelings - her all-consuming happiness, how interchangeably light and heavy her feelings are - then explaining†¦show more content†¦The octet is ended with her proclamation â€Å"My heart is gladder than all these, // Because my love is come to me†. She cannot think of anything more joyful than the love she has found. The rhyming convention set up by Rossetti facilitates the smooth flow of the poem when read out loud. Rhyming the even numbered verses through the first octet assists the nice roll of words to a lovely ending. The second stanza starts to express and convey her love through actions. This is apparent because of the verbs used in the octet, such as â€Å"raise†, â€Å"hang†, â€Å"carve† and â€Å"work†. These imperatives suggest an authoritative tone, because it is as if she is ordering someone to do these things. Backing that statement up, is the fact that Rossetti changes from an iambic meter to trochaic which allows the recitation to focus on the verbs. This further underlines how she longs to show off her love to the world. One verb that demonstrates the infinite quality of her love is â€Å"carve† which, more likely than not, is associated with â€Å"carving initials on the trunk of a tree†, usual for young people during Rossetti’s time deeply in love who profess their enduring love to one another. The bulk of the second octet is comprised of an elaborate description of how Rossetti wants to prepare by using a metaphor of a beautiful, extravagant platform as an expression of her love. In this, she usesShow MoreRelatedComparing How do I Love Thee by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and A Brithday by Christina Rosetti1308 Words   |  6 PagesComparing How do I Love Thee by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and A Brithday by Christina Rosetti Much of the poetry written prior to the 19th Century was devoted to the many types of love, both the sensations and feelings related to this subject, and also the poet attempting to capture in writing how the feeling of being in love has changed him or her. For these reasons, it is important top analyse examples of this poetry in terms of how the different poets have captured the

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Five Pillars Of Islam - 1289 Words

ONE verse from the Quran: â€Å"[Believers], argue only in the best way with the People of the Book, except those of them who act unjustly. Say, ‘We believe in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you; our God and your God is one [and the same]; we are devoted to Him’.† Quran 29:46 Hadith: If you guarantee me six things on your part I shall guarantee you Paradise: Speak the truth when you talk, keep a promise when you make it, when you are trusted with something fulfill your trust, avoid sexual immorality, lower your gaze (out of modesty), and restrain your hands from injustice. One of the Five Pillars of Islam: the Pillar of faith, including belief in One God, belief in God’s scriptures, belief in God’s angels, belief in†¦show more content†¦It explains that our God is the same as their God. That is relevant because many people in the West believe that Muslims are against them and their religion, or even that Muslims want to do jihad attacks against anybody who is not Muslim. This quote proves that, in fact, there is a lot of respect from Muslims towards Jews and Christians and their beliefs. The hadith from Prophet Muhammad s sayings prescribes a formula for Muslims to be sure to enter heaven. The prophet Mohammed (PBUH) mentions to always tell the truth, keep promises, be trustworthy, modest, sexually moral, and just. This quote is significant because Muslims want to enter heaven and sometimes they may worry that they are not doing all the prayers or other things, so this is something that gives us a chance that if we are good people we can enter heaven. It even means also that some people, even if they are not Muslims, and they follow these teachings, they can enter heaven. This quote is relevant to our times because these important values are not the main values of the Western society. They seem like old values that are being lost but in fact they are still very important. It is difficult to keep these values in this days, with the influence of the media and other factors, especially the part about avoiding sexual immorality. This is a good reminder for all Muslims ab out these basic principles that they should follow in their behavior toShow MoreRelatedThe Five Pillars Of Islam2378 Words   |  10 Pagesï » ¿ The Five Pillars Of Islam Subject: Religious Education Name: Nathaniel Hall Date of Submission: April 9, 2014 Table Of Contents Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦1 Objectives†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦2 The Shahadah†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦.3 The Salat†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..4 The Zakat†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...5 The Sawm†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦6 The Hajj†¦..................................................................Read MoreThe Five Pillars Of Islam989 Words   |  4 Pagesimportant Muslim practices are the Five Pillars of Islam. These duties are rooted in the teachings of the Qur’an and in the example of the prophet, Muhammad. Therefore, Muslims are expected to observe them with the utmost respect and devotion. These pillars form the foundation for all good deeds and acts of worship to God. And, carrying out the Five Pillars demonstrates that faith comes first. The profession of faith, shahadah, is the first of the Five Pillars. The shahada is the most fundamentalRead MoreFive Pillars Of Islam And Islam1119 Words   |  5 PagesFive Pillars of Islam All great things are built on a solid and strong foundation. The religion of Islam is no different. The foundation on which Islam was built is known as The Five Pillars of Islam. These are the essential duties that are required of all Muslims. The pillars are the shahadah (declaration of faith), salah (establishment of the five ritual prayers), zakah (almsgiving), sawm (fasting the month of Ramadan), and hajj (pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca). These five pillars are inRead MoreIslam : The Five Pillars Of Islam1412 Words   |  6 Pagesto reflect and cultivate their faith through practicing the Arkan al-Islam - the Five Pillars of Islam. Islam embraces the paradigm of submission to the will of Allah for adherents to understand their place in the universe. The pillars are a foundation for the Muslim faith as evident by Muhammad s statement of ‘Islam is built upon five [pillars]’ recorded in the Hadith 3. This entails the declaration of faith (Shahadah), the five dai ly prayers (Salat), almsgiving (Zakat), fasting during the monthRead MoreThe Five Pillars Of Islam1439 Words   |  6 Pagestheir faith through practicing the Arkan al-Islam - the Five Pillars of Islam. It is the foundation for Muslim faith as evident by Muhammads statement of ‘Islam is built upon five [pillars]’ recorded in the Hadith 3. This entails the declaration of faith (Shahadah), the five daily prayers (Salat), almsgiving (Zakat), fasting during the month of Ramadan (Sawm) and the Hajj pilgrimage. The Shahada translated as ‘testimony’ is the first pillar of Islam that involves reciting the testimony of faithRead MoreThe Five Pillars Of Islam1201 Words   |  5 PagesThe five pillars of Islam are five official acts considered mandatory for all Muslims. The  Quran  presents them as a structure of devotion and a sign of obligation to faith. One most accomplish them all to live a good and responsible life according to Islam. These pillars comprise of:  Shahada which means the declaration of faith, preforming the five daily prayers, giving money to the needy and the poor, cleansing the soul through fasting during the month of Ramadan, the pilgrimage once in a lifetimeRead MoreThe Five Pillars Of Islam Essay764 Words   |  4 Pagesal-Bukhari, fortunately, the five pillars of Islam are actually seen outlined within the very first Hadith. The Five pillars, according to Traditions and Encounters, are a framework of obligations present to help form a unified Islami c community (p.263-264); Muhammad himself, in the 38th hadith, describes the five pillars as the baseline obligations of a Muslim to please Allah and enter paradise. The first Hadith states thusly, â€Å"Allah’s Apostle said: Islam is based on five [principles]: 1. To testifyRead MoreThe Five Pillars Of Islam1591 Words   |  7 PagesIslam Notes The most important Muslim practices are the Five Pillars of Islam. The Five Pillars of Islam are the five obligations that every Muslim must satisfy in order to live a good and responsible life according to Islam. The Five Pillars consist of: Shahadah: sincerely reciting the Muslim profession of faith Salat: performing ritual prayers in the proper way five times each day Zakat: paying an alms (or charity) tax to benefit the poor and the needy Sawm: fasting during the month of RamadanRead MoreIslam Five Pillars1344 Words   |  6 PagesExplain and analyse the significance of the Five Pillars of Islam on the individual and the community making reference to the principal beliefs where relevant. Central to the Muslim belief is the importance of devotion and total submission to Allah. This is put into practice through the Five Pillars of Islam –the five obligatory duties that must be performed by all practising Muslims. These are the acts of faith, prayer, charity, fasting and pilgrimage. Carrying out these duties creates structureRead MoreThe Five Pillars Of Islam1322 Words   |  6 Pagesof guidelines for moral instruction that is central to all. These rules are called the Five Pillars of Islam. The Five Pillars serves as a moral compass for all Muslims and are universally accepted. They are mentioned specifically in the Qur’an as they were recited to Muhammad. The first of the Five Pillars is the creed. It states that, â€Å"There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger,†. This pillar is at the core for the Muslim faith. A person truly becomes a Muslim when he/she recites

Friday, December 13, 2019

Okonkwo and Sonjara Free Essays

The definition of hero is a man admired for his achievements andqualities, especially one displaying great courage. The presence of a hero has been around in nearly every novel of some nature. Throughout the book, Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe presentsmany aspects of how the tragic hero, Okonkwo, portrays the author’s own characterization of a tragic hero. We will write a custom essay sample on Okonkwo and Sonjara or any similar topic only for you Order Now Okonkwo is a tragic hero in the typical sense: although he is a superior character, his tragic flaw, the equation of manliness with rashness, anger,violence, and arrogance brings about his own destruction.Okonkwo, the main protagonist of the novel, expresses many stereotypical personality traits of a hero. The narrator states, â€Å"At an early age he had achieved fame as the greatest wrestler in all of the land. â€Å"(27). In the village Umuofia, where he lived as well as the other tribal villages, this title was held with great esteem. Gaining this title was a huge indicator of ones manliness. Another characteristic of being manly is how well one performs in war. He was not afraid of war. He was a man of action, a man of war. â€Å"(â€Å"). Early in Okonkwo’s life, he had shown incredible proficiency in two inter-tribal wars. War is where generally a young man like Okonkwo grows to be a hero. At a young age, Okonkwo was supporting his family instead of his father, Unoka, supporting his own family. Okonkwo had started a farm of yams in his early teens and survived through one of the worst drought seasons the elders of the tribe could remember.Although, because of these accomplishments happening at such a young age, Okonkwo took the success to his heart and became very arrogant in every aspect of his life. Okonkwo had achieved great success when mostkids his age were helping their fathers, â€Å"An old man said about Okonkwo ‘looking at a king’s mouth, one would think he never sucked at his mother’s breast'†(26). The arrogance in his life was focused in and around his tribe and daily life. When at a meeting to discuss the next ancestral feast, Okonkwo stated to a man with no title, â€Å"This meeting is for men†(26).Arrogance is characteristic of a tragic hero because near the end of the novel, Okonkwo kills the messenger to the courts in hopes that the tribe will stand behind him in a war. Violence to Okonkwo is the only way he knows how to enforce his rules around his house. â€Å"Okonkwo ruled his household with a heavy hand. His wives, especially the youngest, lived in perpetual fear of his fiery temper, and so did his little children. â€Å"(13). He had not gained anything from his father. Not so much as a barn or even a yam.Okonkwo despised his father for everything he did and did not do. So, when he got a hint of any trait of his father in his family, especially his oldest son Nwoye, he would beat his son, â€Å"Okonkwo’s first son, Nwoye, was then twelve years old but already causing his father great anxiety for his insipient laziness. At any rate, that was how it looked to his father, and sought to correct him by constant nagging and beating. â€Å"(13). The destruction of Okonkwo was revealed slowly throughout the book. His inability to have patience towards anyone with a trait like his fathers was a slow leak of his sanity throughout the book, â€Å"He had no patience with unsuccessful men†(4). Okonkwo had grown up so fast that he had learned the conservative views of the elders before the white missionaries had come. His personality did not allow change. His view was that hard work, effort, and what you had in terms of material values was the true way of living and if you didn’t have any of those you were not worthy for his praise or acknowledgement.For him to witness the values and beliefs of the tribal elders be diminished by the European culture and see that his society, the one where you earned your life, be turned to one that is totally different was incomprehensible. The idea of a tragic hero over just a hero is that they have all of the behavioral traits that a hero does but in addition, they have a trait like violence or arrogance to pull away and terminate all of the heroic traits. Okonkwo’s death of hanging himself depicts the irony in that a man of such high esteem and tribal values would kill himself. How to cite Okonkwo and Sonjara, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Marketing Strategy of Chinese E-Commerce Market-the Example of Ebay Failed in China free essay sample

This is the reason of why I consider this topic in my thesis. EBay, a world leading company on the E-commerce market. They have really strong power of competition in the E-commerce market in the world even there have a lot of competitors like Amazon, Alibaba. In 2002 they entered Chinese E-commerce market and they have been acquiring one of the top E-commerce brand: Eachnet in China. But the benefit from Chinese market is not as well as their plan even they spend a lot of money and never stop investing in the Chinese market. After 4 years they sell the on-line business to Tom goup in 2006. So before we talk about the reasons of eBay failed in Chinese market, we should think about how E-commerce creates value. In 2001 one theory created by Raphael Amit and Christoph Zott that E-commerce creates value from 4 points: Novelty, Lock-in, Efficiency, Complementarities. There has another theory created by G. We will write a custom essay sample on The Marketing Strategy of Chinese E-Commerce Market-the Example of Ebay Failed in China or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page T. Lumpkin and Gregory Dess, They thought the E-commerce was creates value by Search, Product Reviews and Reports, Problem-solving, transaction. In my thesis I focus on the why eBay company which have such strong ability to create value but they have to face many problems in Chinese E-commerce market and they lose in this market. In my thesis I will discusses and analysis the reasons of eBay failed in China because the wrong market strategies and the market strategies of the Taobao which actually become the most powerful E-commerce brand in China.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

One more cookie free essay sample

â€Å"Mom, why does it have to be Hyoung Keun?† my younger brother started complaining. â€Å"Why can I have one more cookie than him?† My mother’s answer would always be the same â€Å"You know Hyoung Keun is three years older than you. You can have what Hyoung Keun has three years later.† As the eldest child in the family, I would have all the privileges that my younger brother does not have. Even when I chose to study abroad in the U. We will write a custom essay sample on One more cookie or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page S., he readily told my parents that he wanted to study in the U.S. as well. I could feel how much he envied me; after all, he wanted to study in the U.S. more than I did. However, my parents once again promised him that he will have his chance three years later. My brother knew my parents were lying. My family is not wealthy enough to support both brothers to study in the U.S. My parents expect much from me and give me the opportunity they cannot afford to my younger brother. However, my brother did not give up. He tried his best to achieve what he wants. Learning from my mistakes, he finds the best way to solve problems, and stays up late to finish his homework and extra workloads to improve. While I was receiving cookies baked by my mom, my brother was baking his own. I was sorry that he had to do more to achieve less than I have. I would think of The Trinity by Uris in which the main character Connor Larkin was privileged over his younger brother. Although Connor did not do what his father asked him to do and his younger brother would always take care of Connor’s responsibility along with his own, Connor had the privilege to inherit the farm because he is the eldest son. Then I would ask myself. Why do some people have more than w hat I have? What makes me so different from other rich people who can afford to do anything they want to have? Then I would not have to worry about my brother losing his privilege. I don’t have to worry about my brother suffering from disparity between him and me. He would get what he works for. Recently, he got into one of the finest boarding school in Korea and chosen as one of 23 students to receive full-scholarship. He is now able to study to go to universities in the U.S. I am proud of what he has achieved, but I still cannot carry away the fact that I was privileged over him. Every time I feel weak and wanting to give up on difficulty, I would think of my brother who has nothing I have. I love my brother. He is one of the few people that I can trust in the world. I do not want him to feel bad about what he does not have. Thus, I am not giving up on anything. I will not let any complexity stop me but push forward to achieve the most I can to give him the chance to feel what I have felt as a privileged person. I want to bake my own cookies to give the cookies my mom baked to my brother.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Jekl

In Yekl by Abraham Cahan, the portrait painted is that of Jewish immigrants adjusting to America and it’s freedoms. Many of these travelers not only incorrectly predicted what America would be like but also, how they as individuals truly are. Animals in cages do not run not because they would not, but rather, they can not. One of the main characters, Yekl or Jake, is placed in such a position. However, Jake is not molded exclusively by American culture. There is always a sense of discomfort in his own identity. Jake is filled with a pride that comes from being set apart from the norm and this adds to the complications of social adjustment. One of Jake’s character flaws is introduced in the beginning of the novel. Jake is described as being tall, muscular, good looking and charming. In the beginning scene, he is the center of attention acting out and explaining sports. This would accent his natural good qualities; however, his story telling indicates more. This is a bit of foreshadowing for the rest of the novel because he has that â€Å"eyes on me† demure. Jake enjoys being the center of attention. It gives him one up on other people. This is also evident in more selfish people. Jake desperately craves to be among equals in an American society. Jake lived in an area that was strongly Jewish, however diverse. There were â€Å"Jews from ever nook and corner of Russia, Poland, Galicia, Hungary, Roumania.†(13) He prides himself in his superior English skills though he can not read. He places himself above his peers by speaking â€Å"in Boston Yiddish†(2) which incorporates more English than other dialects. Jake has altered his image by losing his facial hair. When confronted, the presser turns Jake â€Å"white with rage†(6) by declaring Jake â€Å"thinks that shaving one’s mustache makes a Yankee†(6) He wants to be accepted as an American, not accepted as to trying to be American. It is interesting how the book stres... Free Essays on Jekl Free Essays on Jekl In Yekl by Abraham Cahan, the portrait painted is that of Jewish immigrants adjusting to America and it’s freedoms. Many of these travelers not only incorrectly predicted what America would be like but also, how they as individuals truly are. Animals in cages do not run not because they would not, but rather, they can not. One of the main characters, Yekl or Jake, is placed in such a position. However, Jake is not molded exclusively by American culture. There is always a sense of discomfort in his own identity. Jake is filled with a pride that comes from being set apart from the norm and this adds to the complications of social adjustment. One of Jake’s character flaws is introduced in the beginning of the novel. Jake is described as being tall, muscular, good looking and charming. In the beginning scene, he is the center of attention acting out and explaining sports. This would accent his natural good qualities; however, his story telling indicates more. This is a bit of foreshadowing for the rest of the novel because he has that â€Å"eyes on me† demure. Jake enjoys being the center of attention. It gives him one up on other people. This is also evident in more selfish people. Jake desperately craves to be among equals in an American society. Jake lived in an area that was strongly Jewish, however diverse. There were â€Å"Jews from ever nook and corner of Russia, Poland, Galicia, Hungary, Roumania.†(13) He prides himself in his superior English skills though he can not read. He places himself above his peers by speaking â€Å"in Boston Yiddish†(2) which incorporates more English than other dialects. Jake has altered his image by losing his facial hair. When confronted, the presser turns Jake â€Å"white with rage†(6) by declaring Jake â€Å"thinks that shaving one’s mustache makes a Yankee†(6) He wants to be accepted as an American, not accepted as to trying to be American. It is interesting how the book stres...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

College essay, telling why I am motivated to enroll North Carolina Essay

College , telling why I am motivated to enroll North Carolina University (Chapel Hill) - Essay Example I consider education as a means of personal development as well as professional enhancement. Learning, to me, is a planned process not only for gaining knowledge but also for improving myself as a person. Besides, I uphold the values of creativity, innovation, self respect and flexibility in my approach to the process of learning. Similarly, when it comes to instrumental values, I believe dependability and trust play a crucial role in determining the success of an individual. I place high value on the objectives I set for myself in terms of my career aspirations and personal growth. I believe that these are the value structures which people should adopt, in order to become a successful professional in the field of my choice. I consider personal development as the key for improving self-knowledge, identity and talent as well as to enhance the quality of life. Without a well directed approach to personal development, one cannot expect to achieve one’s goals. Therefore, I continually strive to attain personal development by deriving inspiration from the experiences in life. Accepting the things that are positive and appreciating the qualities a person has are critical for personal growth. I also believe that a person has to do the things that he or she loves in order to achieve success in life. Also, if one does not have the passion for doing things, he or she may not be able to achieve any objectives. I always believe in myself and invest my whole energy when I am engaged in a particular work. I have several motivations for seeking enrolment in North Carolina University (Chapel Hill). Primarily, it is a premier institute in this field of education and I firmly believe that such an environment and the facilities I will be able to avail there, including faculty and infrastructure, will enable me to pursue my studies in an organized manner. I also feel confident that receiving education from such a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Role Of The Lend-Lease Program In Allied Victory During WWII Essay

The Role Of The Lend-Lease Program In Allied Victory During WWII - Essay Example That fiction of neutrality became threatened by a long string of Nazi victories in Europe. The administration of President Franklin Roosevelt soon began to look for options give aid to Britain while remaining out of the war in a strictly military sense. 'If your neighbor's house is on fire, should you not help to extinguish it?' Britain's house was ablaze, and it is doubtful the total collapse of Britain and democratic states in Western Europe would not have posed a threat to the United States at a future date. (Hickman, 2012) Still, any attempt to lend direct aid to the Allies would be met with political opposition; Congress as well as many ordinary Americans heeded the warnings of the Nation's first President against entanglements in European Wars. The First World War did little to disabuse the public of this notion. As World War II became inevitable there were few indications that the United States would become a colossal industrial powerhouse that would prove the primary source of military assistance. Although American sympathies were definitely aligned with the nations who opposed Nazi-ism and Fascism, prior to late 1939 (September) the government espoused a policy of strict neutrality, thus little to no effort was made to place the economy on a war footing. The fear of a new European war was real, and compelling.Such fears prompted Congress to pass the Neutrality Act of 1935 and subsequent supporting amendments in 1936 and 1937. The totality of these measures made it illegal to grant loans or export warfare implements to belligerent countries. In addition, the Johnson Act of 1934 prohibited purchases on credit to any nation in default of payments to the United States. Great Britain and France placed large orders for munitions, but were required to pay for their items on a strict "cash and carry" basis. The situation in Europe worsened on September 1, 1939 when Nazi Germany invaded Poland. Two days following the attack, both France and British declared war on Germany; sparking a conflict that was soon to stretch from China, to Ethiopia, and Civil War in Spain. The market for American Munitions was to become global. (Martel, 2007 p.7, p.165) The Neutrality Act placed the federal government in a bind, whereby they needed to freeze pending orders by law at the commencement of open hostilities. Yet the President was sensitive to the undercurrent of sympathy from the American public in support of democratic governments fighting Nazi aggression. The President was also very aware of t he desperate need of Britain and France for American munitions and supplies. Thus, President Franklin Roosevelt called a special session of Congress in order to propose a means to secure legislative relief. On November 4, 1939 Congress passed the Pittman Act, which served to lift the embargo. Supplying French and British orders for munitions aided American industry in the conversion from commercial to the military production that would soon be needed. It also helped the chronic unemployment rates of the Great Depression. To facilitate the transition it was necessary to distribute the orders with equanimity. Rather than devise a special new bureaucracy, the government employed the existing Clearance Committee of the Army and Navy Munitions Board for the purpose of organizing the supply/munitions purchase-leases. Another obstacle to America's effort to equip foreign belligerents was that it was still unlawful to purchase government-owned munitions. To evade this constraint the War Dep artment sold guns and ammunition to the United States Steel Export Company, which served as an intermediary to the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Germany and the germans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Germany and the germans - Essay Example It would not be untrue if said that religion took its complete toll on him and the course of his life changed forever after experiencing some personal hardships. Here is actually where the climax in the life story of Martin Luther develops because after experiencing a serious emotional turbulence episode one day as he was returning to Erfurt after visiting home, he actually decided to become a monk later on and gave up his law studies in favor of other newly developed interests. This change of plans and decisions did not gain him much appreciation from the family and friends circle in the start, but later on things got better for him when he got appointed as a priest in the church and then he immersed himself in advanced theological studies (Advameg, Inc). This phase of his life is considered to be very critical by all historians because that was when he began to develop ideas and arguments against the traditional and orthodox Christian beliefs. Martin Luther is a very powerful figure in the history of Christianity and studying his life and different events related to it holds immense fascination in itself. This is because Luther entered a monastery when he was quite young and not many people feel any strong bondage with religion when they are that young. Luther, however, is quite distinguished in respect that not only he underwent complete religious transformation as a youth but he also decided to give up his law studies in order to become a monk and then later on in life, he went on to study theology. By this time, he began developing many theories and arguments that openly defied the traditionally established Christian rules which gained him much criticism from the Roman Catholic Church. That was a very hard time for Luther because in spite of so much antagonism and repulsion, he decided to stay firm on his writings which were already distributed throughout Germany. If on one hand he was considered

Friday, November 15, 2019

Branding in the Automotive Industry

Branding in the Automotive Industry Marketing Branding Consumers Abstract This paper discusses what branding is; the key elements of branding; and the importance of branding in the automobile industry. As we all know, automobiles for some consumers are not just a mode of transport, but luxury status symbols. This paper considers the needs of consumers that must be taken into account while branding a brand. I have explored how branding if not done properly results in the failure of the brand and have discussed several failures of branding which helps in analyzing the mistakes committed by companies during branding. Along with this, I have also examined several success stories of automobile branding. Re-branding is another important issue in branding which I have considered in light of the automobile industry. This paper talks about re-branding and its importance in branding and in helping companies gain profit and increase their sales. Introduction Definition (quote from book) There is no concept as vital in the world of marketing and advertising today as â€Å"Branding†. Everyone uses the word in every conversation, there are countless self-proclaimed experts on the subject, executives want it, account managers plan it, strategies are formulated, money is spent, and advertising is done (Kapferer, 2000). However, in reality, very few people actually know and understand the meaning and context of the term â€Å"Branding†. The word brand, when used as a noun, can refer to a company name, a product name, or a unique identifier such as a logo or trademark. The concept of branding developed through the practices of craftsmen who wanted to place a mark or identifier on their work without detracting from the beauty of the piece. These craftsmen used their initials, a symbol, or another unique mark to identify their work and they usually put these marks in a low visibility place on the product. Not too long afterwards, high quality cattle and art became identifiable in consumers’ minds by particular symbols and marks (Aaker Joachimsthalaer, 2000). Consumers would actually seek out certain marks because they had associated those marks in their minds with tastier beef, higher quality pottery or furniture, sophisticated artwork, and overall better products. If the producer differentiated their product as superior in the mind of the consumer, then that producers mark or brand came to represent a superior product. The modern concept of branding grew out of the consumer packaged goods industry and today the process of branding has come t o include much more than just creating a way to identify a product or company. Branding today is used to create an emotional attachment on the part of the consumer to products and companies. Branding is the often subliminal process by which a business employs marketing strategies to get people to easily remember their products and services over competitors (DeChernatony, 1999). More so, it is applied psychology. Branding efforts create a feeling of involvement, a sense of higher quality, and an aura of intangible qualities that surround the brand name, mark, or symbol. Therefore a business, a product or any other service aimed at attracting customers can be successful if and only if it is branded properly; thus branding is an essential component of a business. A brand name holds a lot of importance for the consumers. Consumers purchase products by considering the brand name, quality associated with the brand as well as other brand affiliated perks. Branding is a process that is used by businesses to utilize marketing strategies to enhance their product or service image so that it is more readily recollected by the customer. Branding helps the product or service to make a favorable impact on the target customer while the branding concepts help in outlining the guidelines that should be followed during the branding process. Branding of any product and service should follow some constants that help in establishing a brand in the long run (Abratt, 1989). Branding helps an organization in attracting consumers and thereby increases its market share and hold. An organization should therefore, implement branding very carefully. Many a time organizations do not concentrate much on branding. In such cases, the brand can either become a success or fail miserably; but the probability of the brand being a failure is much higher. This success and failure of the brand depends on how the product is branded and how well the process is taken care of. Marketers engaged in brandi ng seek to develop or align the expectations behind the brand experience, creating the impression that a brand associated with a product or service has certain qualities or characteristics that make it special or unique. The importance of Branding in Marketing is discussed in the following sections. Branding Brands result directly from the market strategy as a consequence: segmentation and product differentiation (Kapferer, 2000). A brand should have its own specific point of view on the product category. Branding is a complex process which deals with the creation and development of a specific identity for a company, product, commodity, group, or person. It is carefully designed to present qualities that its creators believe will be attractive to the public, and it is meant to be developed and perpetuated for the long haul. An advertising campaign launches a product. Branding, when it’s done right, creates an institution. Branding brings about so many benefits (Balmer Gray, 2002). A brand is an end result. Branding is the process by which a brand comes into existence. A brand is many, many things, but it is never an accident. Brands can act as assets in times of recession or reduced business and profits. Such assets have in the past sustained companies in adversity; and all the e vidence suggests that, if they are managed properly and efficiently, they can continue to do so, now and in the future. Branding helps in making a brand name for organizations. If Branding is the creation and development of a personality—an identity— for a product or company, it is the result of work by a number of different professionals, all aiming at the same goal. While the roles of advertising and marketing have been well documented, the third prong within the Branding process, public relations, has largely been overlooked. For the most part, Branding requires the following three key components for proper execution (Pilch, 2007): Advertising:It’s a wonderful thing to create a unique, user-friendly brand that the public is sure to embrace. However, if the public doesn’t find out about the brand—and much of the public will find out through advertising—all that effort, time, and money will go to waste. The look and attitude of the advertising also help define the brand in the public’s mind. Marketing: In devising the personality of the brand and determining how it will be presented to the public, marketing, which is usually done in-house and through consultants, helps to create the entity that the brand will become. To sell a product, an organization needs to be clear in what it wants to sell. For example, a person owns the recipe for Oreo cookies, but if that person decided to sell the recipe and not the cookies, he or she would be making a very large marketing mistake (Johansson Hirano, 1999). Marketing is not just selling; it is to know what exactly to sell and how to sell it as part of a larger well thought and well formed plan. Public-relations: If advertising is the juggernaut of public attention, public-relations is the stealth bomber. Public-Relations generates publicity for the brand, helps solidify the public’s opinion of the brand, and defines the brand—all without being perceived by the public. Advertising is obvious, marketing is invisible, but public-relations is the most difficult of all things to be: subtle. It is also arguably the most valuable, indispensable part of the Branding process. Without public relations, it would be impossible to create a truly world-class brand, no matter what the budget or how exciting the product. Public-relations is absolutely essential to Branding. For a new brand to be successful, all three of the Branding components must be firing on all cylinders. They must be working in tandem, but they also have to succeed individually. Advertising In today’s business climate, even the most secure brands need to advertise. For example, McDonald’s sells billions and billions of hamburgers. However, McDonald’s does not cut back on its advertisements. In fact McDonald’s increases the number of advertisements every year. Nike is a well known company which sells sports wear. It is known for spending millions on celebrity endorsements for advertising. Its advertisements are legendary, and its logo is well known the world over, with people recognizing the brand instantly from seeing the Nike logo. A good advertising account executive will be involved in the birth of a brand, even if others have already decided on a good portion of the brand identity. How to present that identity is advertising’s job, in conjunction with public relations. The look of a television or print advertisement is as important as the message being delivered in print or dialogue. Quick edits, bright colors, extreme close-ups, a nd changing landscapes may appeal more to younger viewers, and will convey a different personality than golden sunsets, slow camera pans, and traditional storytelling (Keller, 1999). Loud music might be fine for a soft drink ad, but won’t work for a feminine hygiene product. If the product is intended to have a feminine attitude, a female singer will more likely achieve the goal than a male singer. But advertising isn’t just about creating TV commercials. Advertisements are about delivering the message to the public which has to be attracted to buy the product. The medium is the message. The programs during which the ad can be seen will make a statement about the personality of the product, as will the choice of publications in which print advertisements will run. If a product is supposed to be irreverent, young, up-to-date, and unconventional, ad buyers will probably be more successful in advertising during the commercial breaks of T.V. series such as Friends rather t han during news programs or documentaries.Each media outlet has as clearly defined a personality as its advertisers. In fact, the advertising often helps define the media outlet’s personality, and vice versa. The advertisements are purchased with a very careful eye on which programs appeal to the target audience. When a brand is new, it’s important the target audience be able to identify the brand, and identify withthe brand, very quickly. So after it’s decided what kind of brand identity is being introduced, and the target audience to which the brand is being marketed, creative advertising executives begin deciding what message to convey and how to convey it. Advertising doesn’t create the identity, but it does choose how to present the identity, and it certainly helps define the identity of the product, and, by extension, its users (McEnally DeChernatony, 1999). With a clever choice like that made for the Mentos advertisements, it expresses the adverti ser’s message very well. Advertisements however cannot do the job alone and they cannot determine what the image should be. All advertisements can do is to show the target audience what product they should buy and why they should buy it. The part of the process where the target audience is helped in determining the image of the product is accomplished through marketing. Marketing Before there can be a brand, there has to be a product. The bridge between product and recognizable brand is marketing. It is sometimes difficult for people outside the business to understand marketing, because they confuse it with advertising even though the two are totally different processes. Their goals are not the same, and their methods are totally different. They are performed by separate groups of specialists, and can often be at odds with one another until a compromise or alternative solution can be reached that satisfies both disciplines. If advertising is the way the public usually discovers a product, marketing determines what the public will discover. If the look and sound of advertising are important, the decisions made by marketing executives will determine the tone of the advertisements (Aaker, 1996). In other words, a product is assigned its personality mostly because of marketing. Based on the target audience for the product, marketing will determine which traits th at segment of the population are likely to find appealing, and will do its best to ascribe them to the product being marketed. For example, when Apple Computers were experiencing some sales difficulties a number of years ago, and co-founder Steve Jobs returned to guide the company, the iMac computer was the first product to be released by the â€Å"new† company. The personality of the product was very important. Not only did it have to remind loyal Apple users why they liked the computer to begin with, but it had to convince new users to try something that required a large amount of money and was going to look different to anything they had seen before. In fact, the future of the entire company hinged on the acceptance of the iMac, and if it was seen as too similar to IBM based PCs, it would be rejected by the loyal Apple following. If it came across as too different or too strange, the product would fail to expand Apple’s market share—which was dwindling at the time—and the company would be in very dire straits indeed. What the company did was to analyze the strong points of Apple and the iMac. It marketed the iMac as something new, something fun, and something that younger users who were only just beginning to use the internet would appreciate. Marketing executives made sure the iMac was presented as a young, innovative, smart, and easy way to enter the online world, something that American consumers were just beginning to do in large numbers at the time. So, before the product came out, there was already great anticipation. But once the iMac, considered a wildly revolutionary design at its inception, was unveiled, the focus was all on the product. It helped that the iMac looked different: Its colorful, all-in-one bulbous design was certainly a change from the beige boxes that had dominated the computer industry for years. Certainly, the iMac turned the fortunes of Apple Computers around. Apple increased its market share and sold millions of iMacs, and a company that appeared to be on the brink of extinction not long before was assured a solid foothold, if not a dominant position, in the home computer market. If the computer hadn’t worked well, if it hadn’t delivered on its promises, no marketing campaign would have been able to achieve the success of the iMac. What marketing does is to determine the proper audience for a product, and then deliver to that audience what it wants. The target demographic can be as narrow as 15-year-old boys living in the suburbs, or it can be literally anybody (Riley DeChernatony, 1998). That will depend on the product. But once the demographic is identified, marketing professionals analyze it, make sure the characteristics of that demographic are compatible with the product, and then emphasize the strengths of the product. Through focus groups, surveys, and other tools, market research helps determine what people want. Marketing is more the art of taking what al ready exists and making it more attractive to the public through positioning and branding techniques. It is a natural and easy mistake to confuse marketing with advertising. Advertising is what happens when marketing has already been done. The next area under discussion is public relations which also works with what marketing professionals have already done, but does different, less obvious things with it. Public Relations Many clients do not understand the difference between branding, public relations, advertising and marketing. In order to understand the role of public relations in branding, first we have to understand how public relations works. It is a business unlike any other, and its rules are very specific. Public relations can help create a brand, establish it, promote it, develop it, and keep it healthy, all without being detected by the general public. Most Executives prefer public relations to advertising mainly for the reason that a lot of branding programs of the organizations are usually based on third-party endorsement. It is much more credible and fast-acting than when you pay for advertisements. People often confuse public relations with publicity and the reason could be pretty simple. Public relations in actual fact refers to the craft of attracting publicity, and not publicity itself (Dolak, 2003). What public relations does is attract attention to the product through different medi ums of the media giving the product a wider audience and generating more publicity than a person working in public relations could reach individually. One problem, however, is that some businesses are wary of the press overall, and do not fully appreciate the boost and recognition that public relations can provide. The role of public relations is to combine what marketing and advertising do, and then use the information in different ways. Marketing determines the personality, or brand identity, being publicized (Gelder, 2002). Public relations professionals are given that information and are asked to find an appropriate media outlet to relay the message. For example, in the case of the iMac, Apple made sure (quite often by donation) that school systems around the country had iMac computers as soon as they were available. This helped familiarize very young computer users—possibly those who had never used a computer before—with Apple’s product first. This brillian t public relations move demonstrated that Apple had strong interests in education and a history of helping children. This gave consumers a very positive image of Apple. The move into schools also made sure that iMacs were perceived as unusual and innovative. Brand identity is the most vital part of the branding concept. With the wrong identity, even a perfect product can fail to become a brand. With the proper identity, one that has been crafted carefully and thoughtfully, a product can launch a brand and eventually become what every branding practitioner hopes for—a household name. Word of mouth, local newspapers, radio programs, and television news programs are the targets at the very beginning of the quest of a person working in public relations.Generally the most widely viewed television channels, most read newspapers, magazines and journals, not just nationally but world over, are the target of public relations. Before news of the new product, service, or personality can reach the media however, the public relations professional has to analyze the brand identity. Public relations professionals do make things up about these products; they find the newsworthy aspect or unique selling proposition of a company and its products and try to attract attention to that. In other words, Public-Relations is the art of telling the truth in the most positive light possible. It is as central a component of Branding as any other, and its importance is immeasurable. Branding in Automobiles Designing an automobile is an extremely difficult task. Automobiles are built and manufactured after much market research and field work about the product being designed and manufactured, the region in which the product has to be released, and many other factors which go into determining the successful launch of the product and the success of the product (Bouchenoire, 2003). Branding plays a very important role in the automobile industry. Branding an automobile is essential in order to make the product a success. Brands become icons due to successful Branding. Customers value certain products which they recognize and feel help to define them as a person for whatever reason. It may be because the brand symbolizes wealth and a high status and the person wishes to align themselves with a brand with such appeal. Customers would generally like to resemble any product they purchase with themselves (Kavounis, 2002). In the automobile industry, the executives and the designers have to be car eful with the design of the product with respect to the needs of the customers. Thorough research has to be carried out as to what customers want from the automobile and what customers need from the automobile and these factors are then taken into account when designing the automobile. Customers may have different needs depending on the region where the product has to be launched. In some regions consumers might like to have a smooth and luxurious automobile whereas in a different location, speed might be given preference over luxury. Marketing has to be done carefully so that all these factors are taken into account. The organization should target prospective buyers with a strategy that turns them into loyal customers. Loyalty plays a huge role in the success of the brand. For example, the Harley-Davidson Company which manufactures motor-bikes has a strong and loyal pool of customers which makes it a very strong brand. The fact that the company manufactures what can be argued to be some of the best motor-bikes available could be one of the main reasons for the success of the brand. However, there are many other companies which produce good and perhaps even better motor-bikes than Harley-Davidson, but it is the fact that Harley-Davidson was successful in creating such a strong brand name that demanded loyalty from its customers that enabled it to create a large pool of returning customers. In August 2003, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (United States of America), celebrated the hundredth birthday of Harley-Davidson (Gunelius, 2007). The whole city was converted into a biker-party zone for three consecutive days. Over one hundred thousand people attended the party riding their Harley-Davidson bikes. Also Harle y-Davidson aficionados from over forty-seven different companies attended the party. This reflects the strength of the brand and goes on to point out how important it is to attract the loyalty of the customers in order to make a brand successful. It is widely known that brands have a remarkable ability to impact the way customers perceive a product. Customers and ordinary people do not just look at the product; they interconnect the brand and the product together. The way the customers perceive the product is totally shaped and determined by the brand itself. Therefore, it is a necessity that the brand projects itself in a way to attract consumers. The presence of a well recognized brand determines the way the target audience view the product. Here is a hypothetical example of Mercedes deciding to release a car: Since Mercedes is a highly recognized brand, the car being released will almost certainly automatically be viewed as a high quality, exclusive and expensive product. In order to make a brand, branding is compulsory. Many people unfamiliar with the long process of good branding may consider it to be easy however, for every successful brand, there are dozens of brands which have either come close to being a success or h ave been total failures. Brands such as Mercedes, General Motors (GM) and Toyota have been huge successes however; several big names like Daewoo Motors and ValuJet have failed in some areas or have disappeared altogether. Daewoo Motors, once a leading brand in the automobile industry, could not retain its customer base and customer loyalty as it had implemented some bad branding strategies which made it lose its brand value. As a result, Daewoo Motors had to close down several of its factories and offices due to the losses it sustained. Essentials of Branding Branding does not just involve identifying the needs of customers, but also certain factors which are useful in attracting customers. These essential factors are: Name: The name of the company can play an important role. A great name is like extra octane in a brand. A bad, boring, or sound-alike name will not necessarily kill a brands chances for success however in most cases it â€Å"dramatically dilutes the brand equity and potency† (Aaker, 1996). The naming of a brand also depends on the customers’ taste and liking as well as the region in which the product is going to be released along with the people living in that particular region. Naming can also be done by taking potential global consumers into consideration. Logo: The Logo of a company plays a huge role in determining the strength of the brand. Any customer relates a product to a brand through its logo. The logo creates a big impact on the way the products are perceived. When a customer sees the â€Å"four circles† of the Audi, the â€Å"horse† of the Ferrari, the â€Å"checkered flag† of the BMW, he or she associates the values of that brand with the logo. Logos along with the names, contribute largely in determining the strength of the brand. Branding Successes A critical element of predictive loyalty metrics is their ability to measure the direction and velocity of consumer values 12-18 months in advance (Stephan, 1997). With that in mind, here are the key trends that determine the difference between the success and failure of brands. An emphasis on â€Å"engagement†: Inserting itself between traditional marketing activities and an increasing demand for return on investment assessments, engagement is the Holy Grail for marketers and advertisers (Assael, 1995). Defined as the outcome of advertising and marketing activities that substantively increases a brands strength in the eyes of the consumers (and actually predicts sales and profitability), engagement is used more and more to allocate marketing budgets. The joint task forces from the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), the American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA), and the American Marketing Association (AMA) provide some degree of engagement meaning and metrics. Using technology to better meet consumer expectations: Consumer expectations in all categories will continue to grow if technology is used properly to attract the attention of the customers (King, 1989). Expectations have increased more than twenty six percent in the past five years while brands have kept up with these expectations by only eight percent. Marketers in general rely upon websites and high-tech capabilities to accommodate these values and differentiate themselves from the competition. More branded entertainment: Popular culture, with its rabid consumption of music and technology, has to be the main viewpoint of the brand leaders as a method for customizing entertainment and selling products. For instance, music-related paraphernalia such as T-shirts, posters, and artist-related merchandise infringe more on the dominance of bricks-and mortar retail. Harley-Davidson The iconic American motorcycle sustains a proud history, enduring product quality and a high price point. In the face of increased competition in 1987, Harley sent a management team to Japan to learn about superior production techniques. This is a branding technique used by the Harley-Davidson team to produce a super-quality bike which could appeal to a large number of customers across the world. Though today’s median customer is fifty five years old, many people recognize the brand and think it personifies the outlaw sensibilities, the romance of the open road, and the American Dream of unbridled freedom. However, numerous brand extensions and licenses, many of them down market, i.e. cigarettes and clocks, have kept Harley in the middle levels of the luxury category. Even though Harley is treated as a mid-luxury bike, many consumers rich or poor align the bike’s related attributes with their own character. Harley-Davidson was able to attract the custome rs in that aspect and hence, it went on to become one of the most renowned brand names in the history of motor-bike companies. Another such vehicle is the Hummer: a multi-terrain vehicle which gained popularity within a very short space of time. Hummer is a classic instance of brand hijacking, where consumers attach attributes to a product that its manufacturer never intended. The Humvee originated as a government contract vehicle, designed for the military. Survivalists, conservatives, and yuppies adopted it as their signature icon vehicle, with some cachet attached to its million dollar price tag. It has since become the car of choice for gangster rappers and generally a very popular status symbol. After unexpected market demand, Hummer – an Indiana-based division of GM- recently introduced two low-cost, downsized models in the hundred thousand dollars range, thus moving the brand below its prior designation as premium luxury. This led it to become a huge hit amongst youngsters. For a brand to be successful, it requires branding to be done in an effective manner. Initial surveys must be carried out to find how a product can be advertised. Surveys consist of finding out the expectations of the target market. The design requirements of the vehicle, with respect to the customers must be analysed thoroughly (Fourner Yao, 1977). Branding also requires an organization to learn from previous mistakes; mistakes of not just that organization, but also of the other organizations. Branding Failures Several brands have failed due to the implementation of improper branding strategies for certain automobiles. These strategies intended to improve the image held by customers of the brand failed despite many of the vehicles being arguably better than those of some of the most prominent brands. Cadillac Motors, which later became a division of General Motors, dates from the early days of mass-produced automobiles (Wreden, 2003). It is the oldest surviving American luxury car brand. Once a synonym for the highest quality in vehicles, by the 1950s the brand had become the favorite of Texan oil millionaires, Arab potentates and Elvis Presley, who habitually gave them away by the dozens to his entourage. Cadillac began to lose market share in the seventies with increased competition from Ford’s Lincoln division, and the introduction of other luxury vehicles –primarily of Japanese manufacture who marketed to a younger, newly-affluent demographic. Cadillac unsuccessfully respo nded by releasing a downsized model, the Cimarron, 1982-88, driving brand perception lower. Today, Cadillac is perceived as a retiree’s car, while it retains some small segment of the limousine business. The branding technique they adopted was to reduce the size of the vehicles. However, the price and the basic design did not change. Due to this, most people never opted for this kind of vehicle; the younger demographic especially never bought this type of a car. Many new vehicles had been released by other brands which were more stylish in design and looks thereby attracting more customers to buy their brands whereas Cadillac never concentrated on the marketing and branding strategies and continued with their traditional car designs. Even reducing the price ranges did not bring about any change in the fortunes of Cadillac. Therefore, Cadillac became the retiree’s brand. Branding Failures can occur from brand extensions. Extending a brand refers to adding the brand to o ther products. If an organization manufacturing cars starts selling T-Shirts and other stuff under its brand name, the organization is extending its brand (Broniarczyk Joseph, 1994). Extensions might involve changing the design structure, adding n

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Dreams And Dreaming :: essays research papers

Dreams and Dreaming   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  “ To write something and leave it behing us,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is but a dream   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When we awake we know   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is not even anyone to read it';  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Zen Master Ikkyu   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  WE dream during a state of sleep called REM sleep. It is known that theta rythems sent from the hippocampus, which determine if something is of essential value to the brain, are presesnt during REM sleep. Which supports the idea that dreaming is connected to learning and that dreams are very important to the growing process.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sleep is set in cycles, each containing four stages   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  STAGE 1: Light sleep begins- thata waves   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  STAGE 2: Light sleep continues- spindles and K complexes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  STAGE 3: The onset of deep sleep- K complexes and delta   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  STAGE 4: Very deep sleep- delta waves   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first cycle is roughly 90 minutes. The brain decends through all four stages, and then acends back through them, but on the way up REM sleep is experienced at stage 1. This REM period lasts about 10 minutesAfter the first cycle the delta sleep may no occur at all. the brain will cycle through stage 1 and 2. As the night goes on the proportion of REM to NON- REM increase, so by the end of the night you may dream for as much as 1 of the last 2 hours of sleep. Though for some of us we still sleep deeply even to the wee hours of the morning. The “deep sleepers'; Thus light sleeper are more likely able to remember dreams.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Menangkabau tribes of Indonesia believe that the real life force, the sumanghat, actually leaves the body in both dreams and serious illness. The shaman, or Dukun, must project his conciousnes into the realm of dreams in order to placate or harry the malicious malignant spirits who are hostile to the subject   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dreamtime of the Aboriginees is a primal state which embraces the creation of the world at the very dawn of our time. It is the realm of the mythical beings who fist breathed life onto the universe.. Their culture extends back over 40,000 years, the oldest spiritual culture of the world. The Shaman is known as the Karadji.

Monday, November 11, 2019

In what way did post war prosperity bring social change to Britain 1951-1964?

?In what way did post war prosperity bring social change to Britain 1951-1964? Britain as a country in the year 1951 stood as a country widely effected by the Second World War and the country reflected visible damage which the war had caused. Many young men were on the National Service, rationing was only just coming to an end and also social life in Britain felt like it was in the past.However some felt that the year 1951 was a year of change, they felt as if they were on the way to a new modern world which presented technological and social progress, Children who were born during the â€Å"baby boom† were born into a different society to which their parents grew up in. Leading up to the year 1964 there were many social tensions, changes in attitudes and significant shifts i population which can identify how Britain’s society had changed dramatically.After 1951 you could say Britain experienced a â€Å"demographic change† . Birth rates ran consistently against d eath rates, an explanation for this could be the advances in medical treatments which improved under the influence of the welfare state this then led to an increase standard of nutrition and hygiene.Another factor which could contribute to the demographic change was the increase of inward migration , in the year 1948 around 250,000 immigrants arrived in Britain from the West Indies Particularly those from the common wealth had become a vital part of British society, and in the process, transformed important aspects of British life although it eventually led to overpopulation, and immigration caused racial tension and segregation for example the Nottingham riots.Britain encouraged immigrants to come to the â€Å"mother land† to help recover from the ravages of war however this caused racial tension between the immigrants and the British, the tension was more apparent as the lack of housing became a problem as did the competition for jobs. The increase of immigrants led to less scopes for jobs as did the fact people were living longer due to the up and running free service of the NHS which many felt immigrants didn’t deserve. Many British people that had a skill in a specific trade were forced to take up trades that required no skill at all which angered them .Due to immigration, discrimination in jobs was open, for example shop keepers put a sign up saying what kind of workers they were looking for, and this gave many British people the advantage of the immigrants as a confidence trick to govern the country due to being imperial. Excluded from much of the social and economic life the immigrants began to adjust the institutions they had brought with them, for example their churches and the fact they had a British education which meant that the government gave them the right to follow their own traditions and reduced the challenges of schooling.However this also increased segregation between the immigrants and those who opposed, conflict and discrim ination was very common, it became easier to recognise people’s origins and social background from their dress scene and accents. The government weren’t prepared for the reaction of the public immigration would cause regarding the unhappiness of being restricted in the job market, they then introduced the immigration act which stopped immigrant wanting to come into the country although if left the ones already in Britain feeling very isolated and betrayed which sparked their rebellion.The conservative government had traditional views upon empire and they were objective to change which socially changed the views of the public and changed the country into a closed racist country portraying how uneducated Britain was at the time and how post war prosperity wasn’t the only thing that sculpted social change in Britain . On the other hand there was also a strong amount of outward migration. Australia was appealing to British citizens as it had many jobs and a good amo unt of housing available.Affluence began to become more apparent in every class, which meant people were becoming a lot wealthier due to the rise in wages. However this lead to competition regarding jobs and housing and even schooling due to people having more money to spend. This created a more distinctive overview between classes meaning that people could recognise immediately what class you belonged to and what your origins and social background was. The class spilt became more evident throughout the schooling system.Schooling during 1951-64 was a major social problem due to the psychological strain on pupils had to pass their 11+ in order to achieve a better education by their parents as they wanted to avoid the social shame. The technical and grammar schools only took the most capable students which left the working class children with very basic education as they couldn’t afford any private tuition and often weren’t capable at the age of 11 to enter the grammar s chools although after a few years they were ready to undergo more strenuous studying but by this time it was too late.The natural progression was from the most private boarding schools, to the most prestigious colleges at Oxford or Cambridge and thence into positions of power and influence this in turn led to the working class feeling discriminated. Eden for example went to Eton and Oxford and found himself in the prime ministers position. It was easy by this time to distinguish people’s class and social background from their dress sense and their accents, which demonstrates the growing social tensions including immigration and violence.Post war prosperity brought along social change in education due to the shift in attitude and the ideal that the government wanted to compete with other countries. The government wanted the best education for the new generation so they can go into better jobs in order to boost the economy in the future. But during the conservative government t here wasn’t any change regrinding the removal of social tension until Labour secured dominance in 1964 issuing the Education Act which introduced middle schools (which eliminated the 11+).The media influenced views on society that escalated tension and competition between classes, the class system split became more distinctive because of this. This was seen throughout various films such as ‘Saturday night’ and ‘Sunday Morning’, big hit in the 1960’s, it portrayed the alienation of young working class males. The influence of the media led to segregation as many films portrayed the racial tension, for example the theme of the film Sapphire (1959).The media opened the way for a more individualist and less conformist society, for example the Profumo affair– the girl on the wrong side of the tracks. This resulted in people, especially the younger generation, becoming less willing to follow the lead set by the British ‘establishmentâ₠¬â„¢. The newspapers also influenced the things that people began to believe in, they exaggerated stories and made things out to be worse than they actually were which resulted in the society building their views on lies causing tension between classes and even new â€Å"trend† groups like the Teddy Boys.Due to the more rebellious attitudes there was a sharp increase of crime rates and violence due to the development of a more liberal attitude obtained by youths. Examples of the increase in crime can be seen via the Mods and Rockers who used the influence of music to give them a drive into developing a liberal attitude and their views sometimes sparked violence with other groups seen through the Bristol brawl. Gang violence was chillingly portrayed in Antony Burgess’s 1962 novel, ‘A Clockwork orange’.However, the war brought opportunities to allow society to modernise in terms of attitude and social change although it was mainly due to the loss of dominanc e from the government. The governments weaknesses were exposed via the media, the television portrayed satire, which led many people to gain a more liberal attitudes, which demonstrates that it wasn’t just post war prosperity that brought social change to Britain. In what way did post war prosperity bring social change to Britain 1951-1964? In what way did post war prosperity bring social change to Britain 1951-1964? Britain as a country in the year 1951 stood as a country widely effected by the Second World War and the country reflected visible damage which the war had caused. Many young men were on the National Service, rationing was only just coming to an end and also social life in Britain felt like it was in the past.However some felt that the year 1951 was a year of change, they felt as if they were on the way to a new modern world which presented technological and social progress, Children who were born during the â€Å"baby boom† were born into a different society to which their parents grew up in. Leading up to the year 1964 there were many social tensions, changes in attitudes and significant shifts i population which can identify how Britain’s society had changed dramatically.After 1951 you could say Britain experienced a â€Å"demographic change† . Birth rates ran consistently against de ath rates, an explanation for this could be the advances in medical treatments which improved under the influence of the welfare state this then led to an increase standard of nutrition and hygiene.Another factor which could contribute to the demographic change was the increase of inward migration , in the year 1948 around 250,000 immigrants arrived in Britain from the West Indies Particularly those from the common wealth had become a vital part of British society, and in the process, transformed important aspects of British life although it eventually led to overpopulation, and immigration caused racial tension and segregation for example the Nottingham riots.Britain encouraged immigrants to come to the â€Å"mother land† to help recover from the ravages of war however this caused racial tension between the immigrants and the British, the tension was more apparent as the lack of housing became a problem as did the competition for jobs. The increase of immigrants led to less scopes for jobs as did the fact people were living longer due to the up and running free service of the NHS which many felt immigrants didn’t deserve. Many British people that had a skill in a specific trade were forced to take up trades that required no skill at all which angered them.Due to immigration, discrimination in jobs was open, for example shop keepers put a sign up saying what kind of workers they were looking for, and this gave many British people the advantage of the immigrants as a confidence trick to govern the country due to being imperial. Excluded from much of the social and economic life the immigrants began to adjust the institutions they had brought with them, for example their churches and the fact they had a British education which meant that the government gave them the right to follow their own traditions and reduced the challenges of schooling.However this also increased segregation between the immigrants and those who opposed, conflict and discrimin ation was very common, it became easier to recognise people’s origins and social background from their dress scene and accents. The government weren’t prepared for the reaction of the public immigration would cause regarding the unhappiness of being restricted in the job market, they then introduced the immigration act which stopped immigrant wanting to come into the country although if left the ones already in Britain feeling very isolated and betrayed which sparked their rebellion.The conservative government had traditional views upon empire and they were objective to change which socially changed the views of the public and changed the country into a closed racist country portraying how uneducated Britain was at the time and how post war prosperity wasn’t the only thing that sculpted social change in Britain . On the other hand there was also a strong amount of outward migration. Australia was appealing to British citizens as it had many jobs and a good amoun t of housing available.Affluence began to become more apparent in every class, which meant people were becoming a lot wealthier due to the rise in wages. However this lead to competition regarding jobs and housing and even schooling due to people having more money to spend. This created a more distinctive overview between classes meaning that people could recognise immediately what class you belonged to and what your origins and social background was. The class spilt became more evident throughout the schooling system.Schooling during 1951-64 was a major social problem due to the psychological strain on pupils had to pass their 11+ in order to achieve a better education by their parents as they wanted to avoid the social shame. The technical and grammar schools only took the most capable students which left the working class children with very basic education as they couldn’t afford any private tuition and often weren’t capable at the age of 11 to enter the grammar sch ools although after a few years they were ready to undergo more strenuous studying but by this time it was too late.The natural progression was from the most private boarding schools, to the most prestigious colleges at Oxford or Cambridge and thence into positions of power and influence this in turn led to the working class feeling discriminated. Eden for example went to Eton and Oxford and found himself in the prime ministers position. It was easy by this time to distinguish people’s class and social background from their dress sense and their accents, which demonstrates the growing social tensions including immigration and violence.Post war prosperity brought along social change in education due to the shift in attitude and the ideal that the government wanted to compete with other countries. The government wanted the best education for the new generation so they can go into better jobs in order to boost the economy in the future. But during the conservative government the re wasn’t any change regrinding the removal of social tension until Labour secured dominance in 1964 issuing the Education Act which introduced middle schools (which eliminated the 11+).The media influenced views on society that escalated tension and competition between classes, the class system split became more distinctive because of this. This was seen throughout various films such as ‘Saturday night’ and ‘Sunday Morning’, big hit in the 1960’s, it portrayed the alienation of young working class males. The influence of the media led to segregation as many films portrayed the racial tension, for example the theme of the film Sapphire (1959).The media opened the way for a more individualist and less conformist society, for example the Profumo affair– the girl on the wrong side of the tracks. This resulted in people, especially the younger generation, becoming less willing to follow the lead set by the British ‘establishmentâ€⠄¢. The newspapers also influenced the things that people began to believe in, they exaggerated stories and made things out to be worse than they actually were which resulted in the society building their views on lies causing tension between classes and even new â€Å"trend† groups like the Teddy Boys.Due to the more rebellious attitudes there was a sharp increase of crime rates and violence due to the development of a more liberal attitude obtained by youths. Examples of the increase in crime can be seen via the Mods and Rockers who used the influence of music to give them a drive into developing a liberal attitude and their views sometimes sparked violence with other groups seen through the Bristol brawl. Gang violence was chillingly portrayed in Antony Burgess’s 1962 novel, ‘A Clockwork orange’.However, the war brought opportunities to allow society to modernise in terms of attitude and social change although it was mainly due to the loss of dominance from the government. The governments weaknesses were exposed via the media, the television portrayed satire, which led many people to gain a more liberal attitudes, which demonstrates that it wasn’t just post war prosperity that brought social change to Britain.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Internet commerce and current tax code essays

Internet commerce and current tax code essays Internet commerce and the complexities of complying with state sales and use tax laws When a citizen of a state purchases goods from a vendor out of the state, usually they do not pay any sales tax to either state involved. Until fairly recently in our nations history, these transactions were made through catalog vendors and represented such a small amount of lost tax revenue that state tax agencies were not concerned enough to take any action. The addition of reliable and trustworthy electronic commerce (e-commerce) technologies in the late 1990s changed the equation somewhat. Now the volume potential of interstate retail transactions has the potential to rival the traditional brick and mortar retail channels. The combination of growing market share for e-commerce companies and cooling economic conditions has many states worried about sales tax income. This has most state taxing authorities asking how, if at all, e-commerce transactions should be taxed? There is much debate on this topic among tax officials, attorneys, lawmakers, and both e-commerce and tradi tional retailers. In my opinion, E-commerce transactions should be taxed as any other interstate retail transaction. To ensure the proper collection of sales and use taxes, e-commerce companies should be required to collect sales tax on behalf of all fifty states. In order to make this requirement logistically reasonable, states will need to dramatically simplify their sales and use tax code. There is a general misconception within the public on the nature of interstate e-commerce transactions and sales tax. Most people believe that if they purchase products from an out of state company via the internet, then the sale is tax free. This perception is caused by some specifics of how taxation is traditionally handled for interstate transactions. Sales tax jurisdiction is destination based. The physical location of the purchaser determines who is ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Essay on Anarchism and OtherEssay Writing Service

Essay on Anarchism and OtherEssay Writing Service Essay on Anarchism and Other Essay on Anarchism and OtherEmma Goldman anarchism involves the severe social criticism. The social critism developed by Emma Goldman in her Anarchist theory was driven by the social injustice persisting in the society which she witnessed on the regular basis. The social inequality, the oppression of workers by employers and the government, the richness of a few and the desperate poverty of others, all these factors contributed to the development of her Anarchist theory based on the total liberation of humans from any external, social bounds, like government.Instead, Emma Goldman developed the idea of the liberation of individuals within their communities which she viewed as the only plausible form of the social organization. What is meant here is the fact that Goldman believed that people should live in their communities and have the right and opportunity to do whatever they are inclined to.Another important premise of her theory is the idea of the balanced life of people within the ir natural environment. Emma Goldman believed that people should have equal access to natural resources and use them according to their needs without restrictions imposed by some people. the free access to natural resources would balance the life of people not only in relation to their community but also in relation to their natural environment. To put it more precisely, Emma Goldman believed that the control over natural resources by the few deprives other people of an opportunity to have access to basic commodities created with the help of natural resources. At the same time, the access of all people to natural resources would tackle their socioeconomic problems. For instance, if people have access to farming lands, they could earn for their living using those lands. Such philosophy implied the environmental balance, when people take from nature as much as they need, while restrictions imposed by the private property on natural resources stimulated people to consume more because o wners of natural resources stimulated their consumption because the increase of consumption led to their enrichment.In such a context, Emma Goldman believed in the essential emancipation of women because the elimination of gender differences was an essential component of the elimination of inequality between people. She was aware of the persisting inequality between men and women and she rejected the oppressed position of women in the society. This is why she believed that the ideal society based on the implementation of her Anarchist theory was the society free of the gender discrimination and oppression. This is why she supported the rise of feminism and struggle of women for their rights.At the same time, the ideas of Emma Goldman can be correlated to events described by Barbara Kopple in her Harlan County, where she depicts the coal miner strike. In fact, Kopple depicts the desperate poverty of miners and the social injustice which Goldman viewed as the major vice of the contemp orary society. Kopple shows that a few hold control over the life of the entire community, whereas the government with the help of law enforcement agencies helps those few to maintain their control over the community suppressing any attempt of protest or rebel against the existing rules set by the few.Thus, Anarchist theory developed by Emma Goldman was based on her observations of numerous socioeconomic problems and represented her vision of the ideal social order.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Cabinet of Dr Caligary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Cabinet of Dr Caligary - Essay Example 72). The film seems to equally represent the disturbed German psyche and act as prescient element of the later Nazi regime. While there are clear links between the film and the mind, many prominent film theories conflict such a depiction. This essay examines how the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari complicates Munsterberg's the Photoplay and his discussion on attention, and Eisenstein's essays on Film Form through the physical depiction of the mind. Analysis Munsterberg’s theory of attention as articulated in the Photoplay considers the nature of film meaning in terms of viewer attention. In this context of understanding, he notes â€Å"Of all internal functions which create the meaning of the world around us, the most central is the attention. The chaos of the surrounding impressions is organized into a real cosmos of experience by our selection of that which is significant and of consequence† (Munsterberg). Here Munsterberg is indicating that rather than more subtle aspects of film expression, meaning is largely a factor of the viewer’s attention. When one considers such a theory in terms of Caligari there are a number of considerations. After the initial scene with Francis in the asylum the film opens onto the highly stylized Expressionist ‘mountains’ of the town featured in Francis’ story. The German Expressionist scenery is interesting to consider as it challenges the distinguishing features Munsterberg’s theory of attention. While the director incorporates the mountain backdrop as a functional element of setting, its distorted German Expressionist influence, while not constituting the main focus of attention, nevertheless greatly affects the meaning and tone of the scene. For instance, while it clearly exhibits a denotative aspect – mountain cutouts clearly denote mountains – one can also make the case that the mountain scenery is an entirely symbolic manifestation of Francis’ distorted paradigm. While for Munsterberg film meaning is largely linked to the viewer’s attention, Soviet theorist and director Sergei Eisenstein places the primary emphasis on montage. Eistenstein writes â€Å"Shot and montage are the basic elements of cinema. Montage has been established by the Soviet film as the nerve of cinema. To determine the nature of montage is to solve the specific problem of cinema† (Einstentein, p. 3). Even as such a perspective in terms of the highly experimental Russian cinema holds true, this view is complicated when applied to German Expressionist cinema. One considers that in Caligari it is not montage, but symbolism and scenery that greatly rely meaning. After Alan dies, Francis goes to the police. The mise-en-scene displays a large, winding staircase he must climb to speak with the officers who are positioned on extremely high-chairs. This is also echoed in the giant chair found in Alan’s apartment, expressionistically representing the overarchi ng authority that looks down on the characters. When examining the authoritarian function of the chair, one might argued for the interpretation of the cultural object in terms of the hierarchical power structures that are inherent in society. The majority of the investigation is left to Francis who must relay to Jane the horrible news of Alan’

Friday, November 1, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communications Management of Red Bull Essay

Integrated Marketing Communications Management of Red Bull - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that private label market is steadily expanding the world over. In the USA, the private labels have also been growing at a significant rate. Although the growth is relatively slower in gaining the market foothold in comparison to the European nations such as in Britain and Portugal. Since 2003 the private label in the United States has increased by about 60%, compared to 23% growth rate for the overall US retail drinks and food industry. As a result, the percentage of the market value that the private labels account for is19% up from about 15% in 2003. Red Bull Canadian market share is approximately 50% and the sales are about $ 22 million. The annual retail revenue is $ 44 million. Red bull manufacture distributes and markets its products in over 120 countries worldwide with a global profit sales amounting to $2 billion per year. The US market share is estimated 46% with a retail sales turnover of $US248 million. In the beverage market, Re d Bull has a tremendous success that earns it to be a brand leader in the industry. The company sees itself as an â€Å"anti-brand† company receiving unrelenting praise from its loyal customers. In addition, Red Bull sponsors numerous sports events, teams, and sportsmen such as the current sponsorship of World Car, Rally Championships, and world motorsport competitions. In these competitions, Red Bull sponsors three teams namely Red Bull Racing, Scuderia Toro and Rosso Racing all of which Red Bull is the highest owner.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The impact of advertising in our daily life Essay

The impact of advertising in our daily life - Essay Example This essay "The impact of advertising in our daily life" outlines the importance, functions, and advantages of the print advertisement over the ad on the Internet. The print ad of Coca-Cola Company published in 1969 presents the image of the chilled Coca-Cola bottle and a glass filled with coke and ice placed with some fruits and other food stuff. The body copy of the ad written at the top left side of the image conveys the message that coke goes with everything that people eat because it is a real thing that gives them a real taste and real satisfaction. The same message is also written at the bottom of the image that Coke is the real thing. This advertisement has been created with attractive visuals and balanced combination of text and images. This print ad is based upon explicit claim because it directly makes the claim that coke is a real thing just like all the other things people use to have in their lives. The ad places coke with the natural things to make audience believe that coke is not an artificial thing and they could be sure about its real taste and satisfaction. The explicit claim made in the ad is an example of fallacy because it tries to position a carbonated drink like the natural things that is not true. Coke unlike the natural edibles has several health effects and could not be regarded as a real or natural thing like apples, grapes and oranges etc. The ad effectively communicates this idea by making claim about coke as a real thing. There is another print ad published in 2008 by McDonald that promotes McDonald’s Drive. ... The ad conveys implicit meanings because it gives the message indirectly that people can enjoy McDonald’s product alongside all their routine activities by visiting Drive-Thru. The ad claims that in the multitasking world McDonald does not interrupts the activities of the people but it gives people benefit that that they can continue with their activities and can still enjoy McDonalds. The ad makes the implicit claim by showing a real newspaper article coming out along with the fries. The claim could not be regarded as fallacy but it is an intelligently created ad that very well demonstrates the brand benefit and convince people come at McDonald’s drive through even if they have no time to sit and eat the meal at the restaurant. The ads informs about the option of eating out while the other tasks would also be carried out and so separate time would be required to go for meal. There is another very interesting print ad with funny appeal created for EPhone 900 that shows a snake ready to bike a person and the person is searching Google to know how to dodge a snake bite. The ad makes the explicit claim about the fast internet access at any place and time when the user need and for making this claim more interesting and real they have shown a real life problem that any person might face anytime. However, the ad has a fallacy because the tough situation shown in the ad could not really be handled in a way shown in the ad. The ad basically aims to make audience imagine that the EPhone 900 allows them such fast access to internet anywhere and anytime that they can reply upon the EPhone for the solution of their problems. The problem shown in the ad is very serious needs urgent solution. Likewise, the ad claims that the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Dear Board of Directors Essay Example for Free

Dear Board of Directors Essay Upon implementing a Broad Differentiation strategy, Andrews Company desired to have highly demanded products in each of the market segments, hold the majority market share compared to our competitors and increase the value of our firm by the year 2021. We believed that this strategy could get us to that point and we have successfully done so. The start up of Andrews Company proved to be more difficult than anticipated due to high costs in marketing and RD, investing in automation of sensors and due to our decision to take out most of our loans in the early stages of our product, leading to negative profits for the first two years. However, Broad Differentiation lucratively brought Andrews market share up to 30.93% outweighing the competition (Exhibit 1). Andrews Company will continue to implement this strategy with the goal to hold high demand, continue cutting costs with total quality management initiatives and by reevaluating our capacity and production issues, which will be discussed throughout the course of our analysis. Research and Development Proper allocation of funds towards research and development proved to be of high importance, allowing customers to have access to better-quality products. Andrews Company effectively adjusted each product to their proper ideal spot on the perceptual map by using the segment centers and ideal spot offsets annually. This allowed Andrews to gain optimal market demand, leading to us being able to charge a higher price than competitors later on, thus obtain higher profit among other initiatives. Our high demand was essential in offsetting the costs associated with investing in marketing and promotional budgets, buy/sell capacity and automation of products. Marketing By investing insistently in promo and sales in all the market segments, we were able to increase accessibility and market demand. It was Andrews’s goal to have our products be in the minds of customers of all types and charge a premium for our excellent designs. Another advantage Andrews had over our competitors was that we forecasted at our potential market share, rather than our actual, based on the presumption our customers will be loyal to our brand and we would continue to invest in marketing expenditures. Once we feel comfortable that we hold enough market share, we can then start to cut costs in this department. Finances Monitoring spending and Andrews finances was perhaps the most vital part of our success. In the earlier years of our company we took out large quantities of long-term debt to help finance investment in automation and lowering the cost of producing sensors. Each year Andrews experienced a steep increase in sales, while variable costs gradually increased (Exhibit 2). The extra debt we took out early on we believe to have assisted with the dramatic increase in profits each year (Exhibit 3). One thing Andrews could have done to also assist with the increase in profits was to issue stock, which would have helped raise more capital to invest in capacity capabilities. However, we felt that issuing stock would have diluted the price. We successfully raised our stock price to $281.95 by the end of 2021 (Exhibit 4). A 723% increase from the start of 2014. Production A barrier for further success of Andrews Company was production versus capacity. While production was upwards of 18,000+, capacity only resulted in roughly 11,000. Each year we gradually invested more and more in automation and capacity due to our rising profits, which allowed us to improve our margins (Exhibit 5). We should have properly invested in capacity in the earlier rounds to help bridge the gap between capacity and production. However, Andrews’s strategy was to focus on correctly adjusting our products on the perceptual map to their ideal spots and we planned to never invest so much so that this could not happen. TQM and Human Resources In 2017, Andrews met labor demands and we paid our employees a higher rate than competitors. This tactic was able to put some of the other employees in competitive firms to go on strike for several days, resulting in a higher market share and a better reputation among customers and potential employees. Andrews also spent money each year on training employees for a maximum of 80 hour and recruiting spend of about $4.5 million each year, increasing our productivity index to 129.9% by the end of 2021. At the beginning of 2016, Andrews made an executive decision to invest in total quality management. Of a budget of $4 million, we allotted $1.5 million in 2016 and 2017, then another $600 thousand in 2018. After this amount was spent, we would have seen diminishing returns and opted to cap out at $3.6 million. The substantial investment allowed us to reduce labor and material costs, while increasing demand, thus allowing us to steadily increase profits each year, especially during this three-year span when competitors did not spend enough in TQM. The Future of Andrews Andrews Company will continue to use its method of broad differentiation in the upcoming years and plans to issue stock in order to help with investing in capacity issues that we’ve had in the past. We will continue to spend on marketing, research and development and compensating our employees adequately in order to keep our high market share. Distinguishing our products will continue to be of the utmost importance, offering clientele a superior design. Appendix